Episode 2: New live

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Rose de Valentine's POV
It been 3 months since I been reborn or travel back in time. Since I still remember my past live, I know what will happen in the future and when it will happen. So, in order to prevent some the events from happening, I started to make plans but sadly right now, I'm just 3 years old so what I can do is very little. Unlike before, now I started to spend more time in the library in order to gain knowledge on various things, in order to come up with the perfect plan. The books I usually read are history, magic, business, mathematics, language, politics, geography, medicines and even ancient languages. I have a brain of a 20 years old woman so I can quickly gasp the information of the book and on top of that, I learned and remembered things pretty quickly which earned me countless praises from my tutors as well as from my parents and brothers. I aced in etiquettes , manners, embroidery, dancing, singing which greatly shock my tutors. In the last live, in order to please the crown prince, i spent countless time practicing my etiquettes as well dancing but he never seems to notice. But it's okay, now it's come quite handy since I don't have to relearn it. Also, did I tell you how people are spreading and exaggerating rumors of how much of a prodigy I am. In fact, I don't mind the rumor and quite happy with it instead because unlike in my past live, most of the rumors about me is how much of a spoiled brat I am. Also, I've been treating my household's servants nicely by giving them food, treating them nicely rather than bossing and yelling at them. Before, I acted like I was on top and never seems to treat other equal but now I acted like a innocent friendly 3 years old that capture everyone's heart. My plan has been working well so far, everyone seems to love this side of me. They keep on shower me with all kind of attention and praises. But deep down in my heart, I know this is all fake because once you lose everything, no one really care about you.
Aside from all that, I spend a lot of time with my family to strengthen the family bond. We would have breakfast, lunch and dinner together everyday. Also, after my classes with my tutors, I would spend time drinking tea with my mom, accompanying my brothers to their classes, sitting on my father's lap while he's working on the documents or reading books in the library. Sometimes, I would personally bake them cookies or make them tea. My parents seems so proud of me because I am a prodigy and on top of that, I am a good daughter than spend a lot of time with them rather than acting like a rich spoiled brat. My brothers have become a sis-con. Whatever I do something, they would shower me with all kind of praises, as well as warm hugs and kisses on cheek and forehead. For the first time in a very long time, I feel like I'm special, like I'm actually matter, I feel warm. And in order to make sure this warm last forever, I need to make sure everything will go as I plan and change my future as well as my family's future.

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