So we meet again

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    I still couldn't believe that after all these years I saw and knew that Luke was doing fine. How was I going to talk to him? Would he remember me? Would he not? I started to get worried now. Main question, how was u supposed to talk to him if he is surrounded by security.

    Mabey I could sneak past the security. Grab a donut. Then go into the side room and baam there I would be talking to Luke. Its a plan :) .



                       Next day

    I was going to talk to Luke today. It was alittle harder each minute to get out of the house because of the thoughts of what might happen going through my head.

    'He might say I don't care' or mabey he won't remember. I was really thinking about NOT going. Then I thought again, mabey he won't do that stuff. Mabey he will remember. Let's hope.

     I got in my car and and started to drive to their next concert setting until I decided to stop at the store to get a drink. You know, in case I get thirsty. I don't want to pass out.

     I was going down the isle with sodas and other drinks, when I thought I saw someone familiar. I was going to get a closer look.

    I turned down the cereal isle with two people. A lady was getting some chex and the boy I was getting a closer look at was choosing between cocoa puffs and fruit loops. I went between and acted as if I was looking at how many calories the mini wheats had.

   "Umm, excuse me do you know how many calaries this has?" I asked the boy trying to get him to look at me.

   His head turned revealing that it was him. Him as in Luke. His eyes widened.

    "Aren't you the girl that got knocked out at the concert." He sqinted.

    "Umm, yeah that's me" I laughed and put my hands to my side.

    "The boys and I are so sorry for that. Especially Calum."

    "Yeah, I read the note" I said.

   He sort of rubbed his neck.

   "Umm there are 96calories per serving." Luke said.

   "What..." I said as Luke pointed towards, "oh yeah , thx".

    " OK well, I'm going to go now." Luke said.

    "No, Luke I have to tell you something." I grabbed his arm to turn him around.

   That's when a shriek emerged as a a group of girls pointed at Luke.

Luke froze then whispered, "run!"

   "What?" I looked at him.

   Then he just grabbed my hand and started running. The girls started running after us. Luke brought us behind parked car and signaled me to be quiet. I did. We watched as most of the girls ran by. When they all went by, I stood up to say something but was interrupted by Luke.

     "Well I should go. Those beautiful fans will be coming back any minute. Mabey you can come over and we can talk about whatever you wanted to tell me."

     "Yeah sure, where do I go" I asked.

     " Here, just follow this." He handed me a peice of paper with his address on it.

     " see ya" he waved and walked away.

    I have to admit, that hurt a lot. I couldn't believe that he couldn't remember me. You guys may think I'm corny but imagine spending years of your life with your best friend and they don't remember you. It hurts.

    I need a smoothie right now :( :\ .

        Authors note.
Thx for reading. Any ideas let me no. I'd like to give a shout out to HailyPayne  because I want you to know that your character in the story comes in about two chapters, something like that.
   Anyways thx for reading. I wonder what will happen. And BTW a little before you read...... I might....just might... Do the next chapter in Luke's POV so keep reading and stay up.... Eat pizza too.




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