(Sanji x Reader) "Fake Illness" 🤒🥣

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(Hey, crew its zoro *sigh* so my wife has been really down lately. She's been calling herself ugly and has also been very stressed with school... and I know I don't really express my feelings a lot but you guys... IT HURTS!!! I HATE TO SEE MY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CRY!!! I HATE TO SEE HER CALL HERSELF NAMES!! 🥺🥺🥺... So please guys help me make her feel better!!...  I'm gonna post a picture of her  at the end so ya'll can see the woman who is taking precious time out of her day to make sure you readers are feeling special.~ Zoro💚)

(It was a chilly day out on the seas normally you'd be with the girls drinking hot coco but this time you decided to spar with zoro and luffy. Everyone watched from a safe distance so they wouldn't get blasted/sliced/ or gum gumed. You didn't notice your yellow haired prince staring at you while you were in battle. Your every move turned him on so much that it was hard for him not to bite his bottom lip.)

"GO Y/N GO!!!", chopper shouted.

"GO ZORO!!", added usopp.

"Hey what about me?!?!", luffy asked.

"GO LUFFY!!", you shouted.

(Luffy gave you a big smile and launched himself towards you. You braced yourself for impact and in surprise it was actually a really big hug that you received from him. Everyone giggled at the silly rubber boy well everyone except sanji. Sanji was upset because he couldn't get time with his princess... but little did you know your prince had a plan.)

"Alright nice battle guys!! I'm going to go take a shower author- chan.", zoro said with a smirk.

"I still don't understand how you and her got together zoro!! Your like the most boring member of this crew!!", usopp said.

"Oh, don't hate sniper", zoro said with a huge smile.

"Hey, y/n sanji needs you!!", franky shouted.

"Alright!!", you said.

(You walked to you and sanji's shared bedroom to find your prince with a hot rag across his forehead and a thermometer in his mouth.)

"Prin-*cough* p-princess I don't feel well...", sanji said while sitting up in bed.

"Awwww mommy's lil prince is feeling under the weather?? Hmmm well it looks like I'mma have to take care of you.", you said.

(Sanji smiled and gave you a hug.)

"Alright, let's get you some medicine and soup", you said with a smile.

(Sanji nodded and you left the room.)


(Alright everything is going as planned when princess walks in and feeds me the soup I'll pull her into a kiss and then cuddle time here we come!!)

"Sanji I'm back!!", you said as you walked in.

"Alright here we go.", I told myself.

(However when I tried to pull princess into the kiss she put a finger on my lips.)

"No,no,no. No kissing sanji, mommy has to take care of you how can I take care of you if I were to get sick. You can have as many kisses as you want when you get better.", she told me.

(I was furious!! It never crossed my mind that since I was pretending to be sick it could lead to her getting sick as well. Princess began to leave the room to get some other things from chopper... I couldn't wait any longer I jumped out of bed and wrapped my hands around her waist begging for a kiss.)

"Hmmm, I knew you weren't sick.", you said while turning around.

"You knew..HOW?!?!", sanji asked.

(You giggled.)

"Silly boy if you were really sick you wouldn't want a kiss from me. You would worry about my health and hold out on the kisses till you felt better.", you said with a smile.

(You gently kissed him on lips which made him blush. He put a little more force into kiss which caused you to break for air. You both giggled.)

"Your really pretty y/n.", he said with a smile.

"Your really handsome sanji.", you added.

(You two decided to cuddle for the rest of the day.)



Hey ya'll it's zoro again!!! Alright here's a picture of my beautiful wife a.k.a your precious author-chan...

a your precious author-chan

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~😍😍THERE SHE IS!!!😍😍~


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