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(Edited: i did some mistake so i re edited ;w;)

(First day of korasuno)


I was walking along with daich Samawura. "Hey daichi" i said while walking, "yes?" He said "i was wondering, what will the korasuno look like?" "Well, you will know when we get there." "Ok", we got to the school and there were two people running towards the school, one of them is short and orange hair, and the other one is tall with a blueberry hair. Daichi sighed and i got so confused.

I was Walking around the school and daichi came too me " hey Y/N" he said and i turned around. "Oh hi dai?" "i was wondering if you wanna go to the boys volleyball practice after school, since you and me go home together." He said while putting he's hand behind his neck, "oh yea sure! Why not? I love volleyball right!" I said looking excited. "Oh yea-" he got cut off bc of the bell ring, i was running bc i dont wanna be late to my first day of school, good thing i came in time. I sighed and the teacher came, "so class we will have a new student, please come in front to introduce yourselves." I got in front nervously, "h-hi my n-name is L-L/N Y-Y/N... nice to meet you!" I bowed nervously and the teacher patted me for that i wont be shy.

(After school)

Its the end of the school and i have to find the boys volleyball gym like Daichi told me, i asked the girls talking on the side and they told me that im close, i followed there direction and i heard a loud ball bouncing and hitting on the ground and the shoes spikes. I peek on the door and i saw some boys practising and there's two girls sitting on the bleachers, one of the boys came to me with the brown eyes and silver hair. "Hello, do you need something?" He asked while im looking at his beautiful angel face, "I- I was going to see y-your practice t-that daichi t-told me t-to come" i said shyly, "oh, come in" he suggested me and i came inside, Dachi came to me running while smiling "oh Y/N you came!" He said, "yep". Daichi said to sit besides on the girls on the bleachers, i nodded and sits besides them. I waved at them and they seem very nice tbh. "Hi, im kiyoko shimizu" telling me the girl with the glasses and beauty mark besides under her mouth, "my name is L/N Y/N" i said while smiling. "So your related to daichi Samawura?, oh! Btw im yachi Hitoka." The girl said with the girl with blonde hair, "y-yes im his cousin and hi nice to meet both of you".

After they were practising, i can't stop looking at the boys bc they look so hot and cute, specially with the blueberry hair. I was blushing and daichi looked at me " oh btw guys, i have to meet you guys to someone, gather around." He said and everyone is in a C shape and daichi pulled me and im confused.

"So everyone, i want you to meet L/N Y/N, shes my cousin and shes new here at school. She moved here from Shiratorizawa. So be nice and dont do anything stupid around her. Specifically you Hinata and kageyama." He said and i was blinking in shyness, "wow! She came here from shiratorizawa!!" The boy said in a orange hair, "y-yes" i said shyly,

"My name is sugawara koshi, nice to meet you, im the setter" said the boy with silver hair while smiling, i blushed bc he's was so cute, "im asahi azumane, im the ace" the one with the brown hair on a bun on he's head, he looks scary but i think he's very solf when i meet him more. "Im nishinoya yuu! Im the libero or should i say! The guardian deity!" He said the short boy, i was giggling bc he's shorter then me, my height is 5'4(162 cm) and he's only 5'2(157 cm), he was confused bc i was laughing, he blushed of embarrassment and everyone is laughing too, "im Tanaka Ryuunosuke! Im the wing spiker! I will be soon be the ace!" Said the bald headed dud, "im kageyama Tobio, im the setter" he bowed, "im Hinata shoyo! Im happy glad that you transferred here! Im a middle blocker! Are you a first year?" He asked, "n-no im a second year." I said smiling at him "ohhh" he said while looking at kageyama, "what?!" Kageyama said while looking at Hinata scarcely "n-nothing" Hinata said while is his scared, "knock it off!" Suga said and the two of them stopped, "im tsukkishima kei, im a middle blocker." the boy said with the blonde tall haired boy with glasses. "Im Yamaguchi tadashi, im a pinch server" the boy with the green haired boy. All of them bowed after they introduced them selves and packed their stuff before leaving, they seem so nice and i can't stop thinking about the setter of the team, UGH!! "Y/N we have to go home now" daichi said "oh right coming!" I said running towards Daichi and we left.


Hi!! I hoped you enjoy this! I know this is long but i kinda wanted to make it long so i dont wanna cut out off for the new chapter, thanks for reading and i hope you had a wonderful day or night!


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