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ok uhhhh, back to the new chapter-

(The next day and its Saturday)


You were walking at the park having a nice day while you were with your cat named Lily(thats my nickname sooo LET ME BE YOUR CAT BITCH-).

It was so wonderful bc of the birds tweeting and a beautiful orange pink sky. You saw Hinata biking and you stopped him in front of the bike "AHHH?! Y/N?!" He said looking shocked, "sorry! I just have to say hi, hehhe" you said while smiling awkwardly "oh" he just said, he get off the bike, "well, since its Saturday and we have no practice. Should we hang out!" He said happily like a kid.

You blushed at his look and you covered your face with your hands "omg..." You whispered to yourself, "Eh?! Y/N-chan?! Did i say something wrong?!" He panicked and trying to know, "n-nothing..." You take off your hands to your face, the cat(meh-) meowed and you looked down to see the cat(MEEEE), "oh hi lily, did you finished walking?" You asked and Hinata looked down to MEEEEE, "meow meow(heck ya)" the cat(mEE- ok ill stop-) said. "Ill take that as a yes"

you said and looked at Hinata again with a very surprised face looking at the cat "Hinata... Hinata...HINATA!" you yelled and he looked at you with a 'huh' face, "oh sorry...its just, your cat looks so cute!" He said while jumping "oh hehehe, her name is lily. Shes my best friend, and uhhh. Shes very chaotic when she got to know you(its true tho- im v chaotic-)" you said and Hinata just chuckled, "its ok! Being chaotic is very fun!" He said "says the one whos very chaotic teammate-" you said giggling, "h-hey!" He giggles with you.

Its been a while you two are talking while walking around the park, its 8:24 Am and you still have lots to do at home. "Hinata i gotta go, its very fun talking to you!" You said while taking  his hand "s-sure! N-no problem!" He blushed and you chuckled. "We can hang out later afternoon! Bye!" You walked away with lily and he waved at you while you left.

 "We can hang out later afternoon! Bye!" You walked away with lily and he waved at you while you left

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HI!!! wow this chapter is so CUTEEEE!! I JUST LOVE HIM LIKE AHHHHHHH HIS SO ADORABLE!! I CANT- Anyways i hope you enjoyed and i really love you!! Byeeee!!

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HI!!! wow this chapter is so CUTEEEE!! I JUST LOVE HIM LIKE AHHHHHHH HIS SO ADORABLE!! I CANT- Anyways i hope you enjoyed and i really love you!! Byeeee!!


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