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(It was first 1 week day of the karasuno)

(Y/N's POV)

It was in the morning walking together with Daichi to the school, we are hearing birds chirping and winds passing by. "Daichi, have you fallen for someone before?" I said while still smiling, he blushed and didnt reply to my question for a minute "i-....i do...but shes not at the karasuno." He said and he scratches behind hes neck, i looked at him with a 'wait what' face and i giggled.

It was lunch time and daichi said that i will sit next to him not besides to Tanaka and noya bc their uhh...yk- pervs-

I followed hes orders even tho i dont wanna, i want to sit to kageyama bc hes a blueberry bb u-u

After school i went to the gym again bc that's now my schedule. "Kiyoko, can i talk to you in private?" I said to kiyoko in a sad tone, she nodded and followed me outside, "what is it?" Kiyoko told me in a worried face, i sighed "kiyoko.. I think i have a crush on....." kiyoko stared deeply into my eyes waiting for my answer, "... I like kageyama." I said looking at her with a blush on my face " wow" kiyoko said smiling, "dont worry Y/N, its just a feelings. There's no reason to be nervous." She said while putting her hands on my shoulder "well, the reason is.. i dont know if he likes me back.." i said my tears falling, she wiped it and looked me into my eyes again deeply, i blushed a little bc of her beautiful face, WAIT?! DONT TELL ME IM GOING TO FALL FOR HER?!

she let go of my face and giggled, i covered my face and turned around. "Y/N, are you going to confess to him?" Kiyoko said, "i dont know..."  i said

The practice is done and everyone is leaving. I looked at kageyama while he is Arguing with Hinata, he noticed me and i blushed alot, he was confused and daichi pulled me "come on lets go" he said. Were walking now awkwardly, "kiyoko said you liked someone, and that someone is.. kageyama." he said teasing me, "What?!" I said looking at him shocking. He laughed and i smacked him in the hand "DONT YOU DARE TELL HIM DAICHI!" i said madly "ok ok"


Hi guys! Im glad you enjoyed this! Im having so much fun and i luv yall! I hope you have a great day or night!


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