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Madam Pomfrey


Walking (or rather running) into the great hall after Divination, i sat next to Susan and across Hannah, famished. Taking my first bite of the heavenly steak and cheese sandwich, i heard Daphne Greengrass (who had a very loud voice) talking to Blaise Zabini from the table behind.
"Did you hear? Draco was attacked by a Hippogriff during Care of Magical Creatures class." Without hesitation, i rushed towards the Hospital Wing, not hearing Hannah and Susan calling my name and Blaise saying:
"Yeah. Pansy is with him now at the Hospital Wing. She went immediately after hearing the news."

I ran as fast as my unathletic body could with my short legs and poor stamina, everyone i ran past in the hallways staring at me. I barged into the Hospital Wing, making a very dramatic entrance. Everyone turning to look at me, 'mental' they must have thought. I scanned the room for Draco and there he was looking up at me, shocked. He wasn't alone apparently, next to him was Pansy Parkinson sitting on a chair next to the bed Draco was lying on. She was leaning towards him, hands on his cast where she was stroking but paused. She rolled her eyes and resumed, simpering over him but Draco pushed her away roughly when saw me. I fixed my hair and robe.

"What do you need, my dear? Another band-aid?" Madam Pomfrey came up to me and ask. Being the clumsy person i was, i tripped over things often and sometimes even over nothing. I blushed, embarrassed. I visited the Hospital Wing more often than i should for a band-aid but thats besides the point.

"No, not today, Madam Pomfrey. Um i'm actually here to see Draco, is that okay?" I said softly, not wanting them to hear me especially Parkinson.
"Mr Malfoy?" She asked aloud, oblivious.
They turned around to look at me again.
"Of course you can, dear. Ms Parkinson has been here for awhile now and i think it's time for her to head back for class." She said loudly for Parkinson to hear.

Parkinson got up. "Why do i have to leave? She's not even Draco's friend." She said with a scowl, making her even more unattractive than she already was.
Madam Pomfrey raised her brows at me, i was about to explain that we were acquaintances when Draco said "She is my friend, Madam Pomfrey."

Parkinson jerked her head towards Draco, almost glaring at him.
"Fine!" She said stomping out but not before she spat "Filthy Mudblood" at me but i ignored. I would rather be a muggleborn than named 'Pansy Parkinson'.

I walked over to Draco, taking a seat, his eyes not leaving me.
"How are you doing, Draco?" i asked.
"Fantastic." He replied raising his cast and we broke into laughter.
"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." He said afterwards, "Why are you here anyway?" He asked. Why am i here? I ran straight here after Daphne said Draco was injured, i didn't even think.
"I was just passing by and saw you lying here. Just thought i came by to check on you, you know? You did save me from that dementor after all." I lied, trying to sound as cool as i could but cool wasn't my forté.
"Sure." Draco said chuckling. What did he mean 'sure' ?

"So are you going now that you know you know i'm alright?" He asked again and without thinking, i answered: "No."
He smirked at me. That goddamn smirk.
"I mean, i have Divination class next and it's dead boring so i think i'll just skip it." I added quickly. Nice safe, Elizabeth.
"If i remembered correctly, you have Charms class with Slytherin next period." He said, raising his eyebrows, the smirk not leaving his face. I stared at him irritated, my eyes seeming to ask: are you stupid or what.

"You're right. How stupid of me to forget. I'll get going now." I said, i didn't know why i was getting pissed at Draco's attempt to get rid of me like he wished it was Parkinson here instead. I got up, about to leave.
"I'm just kidding, you do have Divination next. Sit down." He said and i smacked his shoulder.
"Ow" He said, his face wincing in pain.
"I'm so sorry!" I said grabbing him to see if his okay.
"Just kidding." He said with a smile and i smacked him again.

"So where's your friends, Crabbe and Goyle ?" I asked. He stopped smiling.
"They aren't coming." He said.
"Why not?" I asked completely oblivious and there was sadness evident in his eyes, then it dawned on me.
"Oh my god- I'm so sorry!" I said, followed by continuous apologies.
"Hey, it's okay, Elizabeth." He said attempting to hide his sadness.
"No, it's not!" I fought back stubbornly, he grabbed my hands to stop me which i did.

"I'm sorry, Draco." I said finally and i meant it. Nobody, especially Draco deserved those 'friends'. He nodded, not hiding his disappointment anymore. His usual overconfident, snarky facade was lost. He was so incredibly real.
"They're not..really my friends. They just hang around because blood status and family relations, you know?".
I grabbed his hands which was grabbing mine and looked into his blue eyes sincerely. "You have me, Draco." I said, catching him off-guard. "I will always be with you."

I honestly couldn't remember half the things we talked about that day in the Hospital Wing because we talked a lot.

But it was nice.
Really nice.

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚 // 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚  [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now