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[Draco Malfoy]

"Draco ! Come quick, they're picking on Elizabeth !" I heard Daphne say and i ran as fast as i could, pushing everyone out of my way when i reached a crowd of Slytherins.

"Whats going on." I asked loudly, announcing my arrival by pushing through them. There she was, my angel, on the floor looking more vulnerable than ever. Goddamn Pansy.
"Draco.. i was just-" Pansy started but i ignored her, still staring at my angel.
"Pansy was just putting the mudblood in her place, Draco." Goyle explained and i ignored him too.

I knelt down, furrowing my brows at the sight of her scraped knees and bruised elbows.
"Draco.." My angel spoke. Looking into her watery eyes, i wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her that everything's okay now, i'm here but nothing came out.
"How dare you say his name, filthy mudblood !" Pansy yelled. I wanted to slap her, tell her not to speak to Elizabeth that way but nothing came out. I clenched my fist. I knew that Pansy would write to her father if i did anything to protect Elizabeth that my father would hear about. That's probably why she was so daring.

"What's gotten into you, Draco ?" Crabbe asked, pulling me away from her when i didn't react. The Slytherins were all waiting for me to join them, like i always do.
"Do you like the mudblood ?" Goyle asked catching me off-guard. Was it obvious ?
"Of course not." I said trying not to quiver. Liar.
"Go on, then." Goyle urged me.

I swallowed the lump of saliva forming in my throat. I saw the sadness in your eyes but i couldn't do anything to help you. I didn't dared to, i'm a coward so i kept on saying in my head, 'I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.'

"What are you staring at, filthy little mudblood !" I said loudly, making sure that everyone could hear me. So that i'm not doing this for nothing. Hopefully this is enough for them leave her alone.

"What's going on !" Diggory asked pushing through the crowd along with the Weasley twins. I've never been so glad to see them.. Everything happened so quickly, i was already dragged away from the scene, away from Elizabeth. I turned around to look at her once last time, hoping that she knows i didn't mean it.


"Was there a girl who came in earlier ? Long brown hair, really pretty." I asked Madam Pomfrey. I came straight to the hospital wing after class, ignoring my so called 'friends'. Madam Pomfrey raised her brows. "She had scraped knees and elbows.." I said again.

"Ah yes, Ms Valentine. Poor girl, i heard it was caused by some Slytherins." She said narrowing her eyes at me.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"Oh you don't owe me an apology, Mr Malfoy. She was here for you when you injured your arm last year so how could you be the one to hurt her ?" She said, making me feel worse.
"I wasn't the one who did that her-" .

"Oh but you didn't help her either, which isn't any better." She said and i knew she was right. I was an asshole. I failed to protect her when i swore i would.
Don't judge me. You have no idea how hard it is to let my pride down when it is something i hold onto so tightly, because it is all i have left -The Malfoy family name, Sacred twenty-eight, pure-blood.

In school, I'm Malfoy. An arrogant pure-blood who picks on mudbloods for pleasure. The self-centred Slytherin prince.
At home, i play the role of Draco Malfoy. Obedient son who obeys his parents without question. I've never talked back to my mother and strove to please my father in any way i could.
With Elizabeth, i am just Draco. Everything i couldn't be in school or at home. Everything i hid from everyone, Everything i was.

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚 // 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚  [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now