He did this for...me?

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Jake's pov

Zander became emotionless because of me... I have to do something im order to help him. I have an idea!? Although it is very risky but I'll do it for Zander. Since I'm the one who lead him into this trouble... And this is a big chance to win his trust. I just hope my plan goes well.

Zander's pov

I'm just gonna hide in the restroom for a while. I wonder if Hailey and the others will decide to kick Jake out of the club? Well all I have to do now is wait and see. Those contact lens I'm wearing right now are hurting my eyes a lot. I better take them off now.

Jake's pov

'Hailey you have to help me...'


'Well... Hailey this is also my fault... I shouldn't have told Jake that Zander is gay...' Milly said in guilt. 

'Guys... I am sorry. But you have to help me... Pls? Hailey? I bet this can help Zander.' 

'Fine... But if your PLAN made things WORSE. YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER IF THIS CLUB AGAIN. Deal?' 


'Can you open your Instagram and open a live?' I asked 'Sure'

I walked to the canteen. Since there are more people there at lunchtime.I look at the camera and took a deep breath.

' Ok... Everyone listen to me now.' I ordered ' There is nothing wrong with having different sexuality. So it is a very foolish act to bully people just because of some problems they can't control. I have to say... I am proud of being a bisexual and a member of the LGBT+ community! Everyone is equal! No matter what sexuality they have!' 

The crowd in the cafeteria when silent. I am worried.... But I am sure what I said is correct.

Hailey's pov

Jake is bisexual !? He did that for my brother... I looked at the crowd some students started to clap them everyone is cheering for Jake. I can see that Jake is relieved. I bet he needs a lot of courage to do this.

Zander's pov ( he saw the live on his phone)

JAKE DID THIS FOR ME? I MEAN I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN... I guess I don't need those stupid contact lens again. I walked out of the restroom. Yes... The classmates are still staring at me. But this time it is a much nicer and encouraging stare. So of the classmates who laughed at me even said sorry to me.

Jake's pov

I walked along the corridor and saw Zander. I can see his clear and gorgeous purple eyes again. I immediately walk up to him. 

'Zander I am so sorry... I didn't mean to shout it out loud. Can you forgive me...pls?' I asked nervously. 

'Of course... I guess? Since you did that much for me...' Zander replied looking at me.

 HE FORGIVE ME! I feel my face heating up. I never noticed that his eyes are so beautiful and has such a beautiful shade of purple. I blushed madly at least I think I did... 

'Umm... Douchebag are you ok? You look red?'

 ' OHH...I.. AM.. TOTALLY FINE! I HAVE TO... GO NOW... UMM.. SEE YOU LATER?' I ran away immediately.

 ' Such a weirdo...' I heard Zander said.

I ran into the nearest restroom. What is this weird feeling... My heart is beating so fast. I van hear it thumping so loudly. I also feel this way when Daisy is around... But this time this feeling is even stronger. I feel nervous yet very happy... NO WAY... Am I in love with Zander?


OHHHHH YEAH!!!! New record! I finally reached 600 words in a chapter. I know it is still very short but I will try improving. And plssss some of you give some response. I am lonely... It feels like there are no one else reading my stories. Ohh I mean Stupeedperson is always here for me though. Thanks 😘

617 words not including the writers rubbish speech

That boi ZanderWhere stories live. Discover now