The plan :D

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Hailey's pov


Ummm... But there is one BIG problem. Zander my boi is too innocent for love. He knows many other things but he knows nothing about LOVE. Don't know what I mean? I'll show you right away 

But first let me introduce you Jason. He is a very sweet and lovely boy. He can be super clumsy and messed up though. He has blonde hair and green emerald eyes. He often wears a black jacket. He is pretty popular as many girls tried to impress him and want to date him but he liked Zander for a long time.

 Flash back when Zander is 11 years old... ( stills Hailey's pov )

 ' Oh... Hi Zander. Umm... How is your day? ' Jason asked nervously. 

' Oh hi Jason! Today is going well. What are you doing? ' Zander gave a smile. 

Jason blushed madly 'Uhh... I got... nothing to do now. Wanna go grab a drink at the cafeteria?' 

Jason tried to calm himself down but it clearly didn't work 

'Sure Jason. But... Are you ok? You look kinda...umm... red?'

 'Oh... I'm fine. You are hot...' Confused, Zander raised an eyebrow looking at Jason. 

' NOOO!!! I MeAn It iS HoT ToDAy... Heh heh...' 

' Yeah sure. It is very sunny today.' Zander replied. ' How about we go to the cafeteria now?'


- Another flash back -

' Finally... School is over. Huh? What is that on your locker Zander.' I asked curiously.

' Oh... Let me take a look then.' Zander said while pulling out a piece of paper.

 It is a letter which is completely rosy pink. It wrote...



Meet me at the blossom tree behind the shool after school ALONE...

 I have something really important to tell you.❤️


 Zander took a look and threw it away rolling his eyes.

 ' WHAT! Zander why did you throw away? Don't you know it's a love letter? Aren't you curious who wrote it ?' I look at that crumbled pink paper which lied on the floor.

 ' Nah... Wait it is a LOVE letter? It seems like that dude wants to kidnap me though. He said meet him ALONE. It seems dangerous... Why didn't he just write down his name there? I won't just go to that blossom tree because of a strange looking letter. See? It is pink and there is a heart there. It looks weird... I have to study for tomorrow's quiz. Besides is there really a blossom tree behind the school?' Zander questioned. ( Those are a lot of questions... phew...)

 ' Oh man Zander! There is a blossom tree behind the school and is very famous for people confessing there... Won't you just go and take a look? '

 ' No... Ain't changing my mind. ' He shook his head while he walks away.

 Flash back ends here

See what I mean now... Zander is completely clueless about love. But I can't just assume that Jake like Zander. I thought he likes Daisy though. I should go ask him.

 Jakes pov

Oh god I can't believe it! I mean I know that I am bisexual but I never thought of being in love with Zander! We are like ENEMIES! But the thing that is most annoying me now is how to face Drew. Henry and Liam seemed very supportive when I did that speech thingy but Drew? NO! He looks like he want to beat the stuffing out of me... 

As I walk out of the restroom Hailey appeared out of nowhere and pulled me away. ' Hey! Stop that! I can walk you know?' She didn't stop... instead, she is dragging me faster until we went to somewhere with no one else.

 Hailey's pov

'I am only going to ask this once and I need you to answer me honestly.' I asked gasping for air.

'Ummm... Ok? I guess?' Jake answer unsure

'Do you like my brother?'

'What!? Where did you get this information?'

'I saw the conversation you had with Zander and how you blushed so madly. You actually look like a tomato. '

'Is it that obvious?' Jake panicked

' Don't worry... Zandet doesn't have a clue. He would mostly think that you had a fever.  But back to the topic. ANSWER MY QUESTION DIRECTLY! DO YOU LIKE ALEXANDER!' I shouted

' Uhhh... I don't know... Maybe?'

' WOW that went smooth.' I answered in shock

' What do you mean?'

' You know... Like the other love stories the main characters always deny their love ?'

' Well I guess I'm not that kind of idiot and this is no love story '( Actually it is... it is just that you don't notice it Jake... )

' Back to the point. Do you want me to help you? '

' Actually... It would be great! Since you know... I was bullying him before and never really knew much about him... You are his step sister, I bet you can help me with that. By the way.. Have you ever thought of learning an instrument... like the piano?'

' Yes I do... Only being able to sing is kinda boring....'

' I already have a plan...'

' Really? Can you tell me?'

' No... NEVER!'

' Why not?' Jake frowned

' Mostly because I think you won't accept my plan.'

' That PLAN doesn't seem nice at all...'

' And I have to go now. I gotta work on the PLAN.'

' Seriously... Not even giving me a tip about the plan?' I heard Jake shouting as I walked away confidently. 

' You will know it eventually. ' I smirked. I am such a genius 

YESSSSHHH 1009 words. I am sooo good 

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