Chapter 6

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Kenma silently prayed that Kuroo would be home early. And if not, he would be hanging out with Akaashi on their favorite ice cream shop. He would be okay either way but he really missed his boyfriend.

This became a routine. Kuroo walking with him on the way to school only to be parted with their respective classes and school works. During lunch, Kenma would eat alone because his boyfriend couldn't accompany him to the cafeteria. He'd be curled up inside the classroom, eating a cup of noodles or a sandwich. So unhealthy, but it was better than bumping unto a lot of people.

Kenma was glad that Kuroo almost lived with him. The ravenette rarely went home, his father didn't mind anyway. 

Kenma waited for Akaashi who seemed to be running late. He was fine with it since he was still playing one last game.

The bell chimed, he paused his game. He looked up and met gazes with his new found friend. He smiled and waved his hand.

"You're later than usual," Kenma pointed out as Akaashi sat in front of him.

"Yeah, sorry. Bokuto-san keeps on following me. He said he'd be upset if I got myself a girlfriend." Akaashi rolled his eyes.

Kenma giggled. "Because he wants you to be his boyfriend."

"How about no?"

"Harsh. You should've brought him here. I won't mind thirdwheeling." Kenma smirked as he saw Akaashi's uncomfortable gaze.

The pretty guy sighed. "I swear to God, I don't like Bokuto-san."

"We'll see about that."

"Yeah, whatever. I like someone else," Akaashi mumbled.

Kenma faked a gasp. "Bokuto-san would throw a tantrum." He loved being playful with Akaashi. This side was only visible to him besides Kuroo.

"Shut up." Akaashi rolled his eyes before changing the topic and asking what would the blonde like to order this time.

"The usual," Kenma replied.

It was Akaashi's time to pay so he stood up.

Kenma played with the table napkin in front him. He heard the bell chimed again and it was already his reflex to always look up when it happens.

He froze. 


The tall ravenette made his way to the counter just behind Akaashi, not noticing Kenma who stared at him intently and to his hand who was at Alisa's back. 

He felt his hand trembled and he stopped it with his other hand, gulping.

It's just a friendly gesture.

He convinced himself.

But it was if someone was playing with him because he didn't expect what he saw next. 

Kuroo kissed Alisa on her forehead. On her fucking forehead.

Kenma couldn't take it anymore. He looked down.

On the other hand, Akaashi had turned to go back to their table when he noticed Kuroo with an unknown girl but was quite familiar to him.

His eyes widened and so as Kuroo's.

At that moment, he knew what was going on. So he never gave Kenma a glance, giving the blonde time to breath and relax.

"A-akaashi. Fancy meeting you here," Kuroo greeted him. 

Akaashi started thinking. Should he tell Kuroo that Kenma was with him? No fucking way. After all, the older guy didn't even know that the person who had been meeting with his boyfriend every afternoon was Akaashi.

"Kuroo-san, good afternoon." Akaashi forced a smile, gaze looking down to Kuroo's hand who was at Alisa's waist.

The taller guy immediately removed his hand but it was too late. Akaashi instantly concluded everything.

"Y-yeah. What brings you here anyway?"

Akaashi thought that was a dumb question to ask, considering they were inside an ice cream shop but he shrugged it off not wanting to be rude.

"Looking for a new environment. I heard the ice cream here is good."

"Definitely." Kuroo laughed but Akaashi knew it was all an act. "By the way, this is my partner in research. She's Lev's sister, Alisa."

Akaashi stopped himself from raising an eyebrow. "Really? She's pretty."

Alisa smiled at the compliment. "Aw, thank you. Nice meeting you, Akaashi-kun."

"Same here." Akaashi clenched his fist beneath the tray he was holding.

"I better go and eat my ice cream. You should order carefully, Kuroo-san," he added before walking to a table far from where Kenma was sitting.

Of course, he had to act.

Can you head to the restroom? Don't worry, he won't see you on your way there. Just wait for me there.

He glanced secretly at Kenma as he clicked the send button. He saw Kenma read his text and quickly and silently walked to the restroom.

Akaashi immediately stood up after a minute had passed, heading towards the said restroom.

When he opened the door, Kenma was curled up on the floor. Eyes brimming with tears, the blonde looked up.

He quickly wiped his tears with his hand and tried to smile. "Y-you're here."

Akaashi took big steps towards him before he kneeled in front of him, so that he can level himself with Kenma.

He hugged the blonde, tight.

That was all Kenma needed before he broke down. He kept mumbling words Akaashi couldn't comprehend. In return, the pretty guy rubbed his back, whispering 'it's okay's to the blonde.

After almost an hour, Kenma had stopped crying. He sniffed and looked up at Akaashi who had been eyeing him gently.

"You good?" Akaashi asked, fixing Kenma's messed up blond locks.

Kenma nodded. "Thank you so much, Akaashi."

"No problem. Now let's get you home. He... must be waiting for you."

"I'm fine. Really. I'll handle this."

"Okay, let's get out of here. The ice cream must have turned into a soup by now."

Kenma lightly chuckled. "Yeah."


Kenma slowly opened the front door after he sent Akaashi a message that he arrived safely. He didn't want Kuroo to see that the other setter was with him so he stopped him from walking him home.

"I'm home..." Kenma muttered, looking around. 

The lights were on so he confirmed that Kuroo was there.

"Babe, welcome home." A pair of strong arms hugged him.

Kenma closed his eyes before he hugged back with trembling hands.

"Good evening, Kuro."

Kuroo parted from him. "Are you okay?"

Kenma tried his best not to cry in front of him. "Y-yes, just tired."

"Mm, okay. You're late today, something happened?"

"None. I just walked around the area."



Kuroo smiled before placing a quick kiss on Kenma's lips.

"I cooked you dinner."

"That's great... I'm hungry."

Kenma couldn't help but to be disgusted. That same lips kissed another girl.


Honestly, I think this is the best chapter I've written so far. Hmm, what can you say about this?

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