Chapter 23- Self-pity

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That's the lake.

Fuse Odg- New African Girl.

Thanks for all the vote and support. Keep it coming 😂😂

      She kissed him. What blew her away was when he kissed her back with so much passion, she felt intoxicated and light headed.

" I guess you do, but there's something you should know." He begun between rasped breaths,
" I'm already with someone and she'll have to know what's going on because I never hide anything from her. If she allows me to hang out with you then we can continue what we just started."

She looked stunned and confused obviously so he decides to change the topic, " So how'd I sound up there?"

" Great actually, good enough for you to be on the talent show tonight." She snaps back to her normal self and said as if nothing had just happened.

" I was planning on not showing up for my performance but I guess you're right and also it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the guys in my house. So with your recommendation, I'll give it a try."

She smiles in deep thought and bent over to pick her book from the side of the tree. He noticed the genre and turned to her again, " You read gothic fiction?"

" I have terrible addictions." She shrugs.

" You should meet my best friend Zaron, he lives for these kind of stuff."

" Zaron Daniels, I've seen him with you three a lot. He's really reserved."

" He prefers to be like that unlike the rest of us." He says.

" I've gotta get going, I need to join my girls for the runway." She grins and walks away before she could squirm under his deceitful gaze.

The dance studio was another party on its own since Joyce had reserved the studio for only Manhattan girls to have their last rehearsal for the show that evening.

This Saturday was different from the others because it was visiting, nobody was allowed to wear anything other than any of the school's uniforms on a visiting Saturday. It was compulsory to have on at least one of the school's uniforms until visiting is over. This was so no one leaves school grounds with anyone without the security's notice.

The speakers here were much louder and therefore the song reached your head easily and therefore getting you to feel your performance better. All ten girls were in their PE kit and dancing to Blackpink's As If You're The Last infront of the large clear mirrors of the studio.

Joyce had done a great job in training them for the show in just three days but let's face the fact, she literally picked out all the best dancers in the house and showed them a video of Blackpink dancing to the song so all the rest of the struggle had come from the girls themselves and Ha Won who was leading that dance.

They had to removed some inconvenient moves and swapped them with much easier ones since they were too late to learn those moves.

They were dancing to a mixed tape of five songs, Blackpink's As if You're The Last first, followed by Fifth Harmony's Work from home, then Beyonce and Shatta Wale's Already then Nobody by Joeboy then finally Shake body by Skales.

They were really celebrating Korea because Ha Won was the leader of the dance, girl had so much energy to spare, sometimes some of the girls couldn't keep up with her.

Unfortunately at this moment, she was rather not feeling it.

" Geez, Ha Won, what's up with you today. It's like you've lost your power?" Joyce walks up to her as Flynn turns down the music and slips unto the linoleum floorboards of the studio next to all the girls who were now sitting there. They weren't that sweaty because of the powerful air-conditioning of the room, this place must have taken Joyce a lot of effort to reserve because not everyone in the school was allowed in there just for rehearsals.

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