I Will Avenge You

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  After the vigil, everyone glanced at Blazewing and a few cats even padded up to him. Heatherclaw was the first to walk up to him. "I'm very sorry." After everyone said sorry, Scorchfire padded up to him. She gazed at him with sorrow and love in her eyes. "I told you I'd be at the end." Ha ha ha..Very funny. "I'm sorry for everything I said last night." She licked his ears affectionately and then settled beside him.

 Just as they settled in the shade of a tree, Shadeheart and Spottedpaw walked into the camp. They noticed the elders struggling to carry Featherclaw. They bowed their head and walked to Rockstar. Blazewing pricked his ears and picked up bit of their conversation."Procphecy..danger..Blazewing and Scorchfire......save our clan...Stoneflight..Velvet...enemy."

  Blazewing shook his head then looked at Scorchfire, who was leaning on his shoulder asleep. He licked her head gently and she woke up. She realized who she was sleeping on and scrambled up. Blazewing hooked his paw around her shoulder and pushed her down. "Did I say you could get up?" Scorchfire glared him. "I can get myself up on my own."

  Blazewing sighed and released his paw. He lashed his tail and went to the warriors den. He could hear a cat walking behind him but he didn't care; he just wanted to go to sleep and see his family in Starclan. After what seemed like a lifetime, he woke up in a meadow. Where am I? He looked across the meadow and saw four cats. He bounded over to them and tilted his head.

  "Hello? Who are you?" The three cats looked at him and slowly padded over to them. Is that who I think it is ? "Mother!" Blazewing ran over to them and nuzzled his mother. Another cat padded around from behind her; it was a large, muscular dark grey tom with sharp green eyes. Two more cats padded from around her. "Tansypaw! Poppykit! Featherclaw! And...who are you?" The other cat lashed his tail.

  "I'm surprised your mother never introduced me."The tom spoke quietly but his voice was full of shock and anger. Featherclaw dipped her head and flicked her tail. "Blazewing, this is your real father. This is Ashtail." She shuffled her paws and looked nervous. Ashtail padded forward. "I died before you were even born. I've been here, watching. I'm guessing that Featherclaw told another tom, Stoneflight, that they were his kits." Ashtail spat out Stoneflight's name as if it was mouse bile on his tongue. Featherclaw shifted her paws guiltily. "I'm sorry. I never knew how bad he was." Ashtail gazed at her sternly. "Do you remember these exact words? 'I loved you more than anyone else'?"

  Featherclaw flattened her ears. Ashtail lashed his tail and turned to all his kits. "I'm also sorry. I was very protective and wanted the best for all of you." Featherclaw padded forward and licked Ashtail's shoulder. Ashtail's gaze softened and licked her ear. Poppykit and Tansypaw skipped around them waving their tails. The five of them talked and played with each other until Blazewing had to go. "Wait! Featherclaw, I'm so sorry for your death. It's all my fault. I promise, I will avenge you!"

  Featherclaw padded forward before he left for good. "Please do. I love being here with my kits and mate, but I need to be dead for a good reason. Avenge me, my love." She licked his ear quickly then walked back to the others. Blazewing waved his tail and woke up in his nest.

  He blinked open his eyes and struggled to sit up. He stretched and stiffly got out of his nest. I will avenge you, my sweet mother.

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