I'm So Sorry

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  It was two sunrises after everyone found out Logpelt had died. Everyone was wrapped in grief but slightly happy when they saw Rockstar's kits bounding around the clearing at sunhigh. Creammist had taken the privilege of adopting his kits since her own were weaned.

  Rockstar was always playing with them and flattening his ears whenever he heard a comment about his dead mate Logpelt. Rockstar's littermate, Limppelt, was always comforting him. All of Logpelt's warrior kits were all sad and wrapped in grief. They were so wrapped in grief that they would allow any cat, even the kits, comfort them. Greyheart's mate, Stonelake, noticed the glow in her eyes whenever kits would bounce up to her and let her talk about Logpelt. 

     Stoneflight stayed at the edge of the camp. Cats would glare at him. Stoneflight and Velvet were still together but they hardly spoke in front of others. Blazewing guessed it was because she was embarrassed about her mate.

 Scorchfire had begun to spend more time with Mapleclaw and less with Blazewing. He found it a bit annoying but he also enjoyed the company from Mistpaw. Blazewing knew that she was younger than him but they were only friends. But what if there is something more than that? What If I loved you as more than a friend? Oh, Starclan help me. 

   A few days later, Mistpaw came running up to him. "Blazewing! Guess what? I passed my assessment! I'm going to be a warrior!" Blazewing purred and flicked her flank with his tail. "Congratulations, you deserve it."  A few moments later, Rockstar leapt onto the Shadowrock. "Let all cats old enough to gather prey gather beneath the Shadowrock to hear what I have to say!"

   Everyone sat beneath the rock with Storkpaw, Greypaw and Mistpaw at the very front. Rockstar looked down at them and swished his tail. "I, Rockstar, leader of Shadowlan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Storkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend it even at the cost of your own life?" Storkpaw pricked her ears. "I do." Rockstar leapt off the rock and flicked his ears. " Then from this moment on, you shall be known as Storkheart. Starclan honors your bravery, determination and kindness and we welcome you as a full member of Shadowclan." He did the same for Greypaw and Mistpaw by naming them Greyfoot and Mistflight. 

  Ivyheart, who was their mother licked and nuzzled them. "My kits are all grown up. If only your father was here to congratulate you." Her eyes misted over and she flicked her tail. The new warriors pricked their ears. "Can you tell us about him?" Ivyheart flicked her tail-tip. "Of course, my darlings." She led the way to a shady spot near the warriors den. Blazewing padded over to them and sat down. Then he flattened his ears. "Wait, can I listen to? I can go if you want me-" He never finished because Ivyheart cut him off. "Of course you can listen. Not many cats really knew him closely."

   They shared stories until dusk then the three new warriors stood. Greyfoot pricked his ears. "We have to sit vigil now." Ivyheart nodded proudly then blinked at Blazewing. "They grow so quickly." Blazewing nodded then stood up. He padded into the warriors den and saw Scorchfire whimpering with her tail over her nose. Blazewing knew that she only did this when she was either mad or sad. He padded over and bent down. "Scorchfire? Are you okay?" Scorchfire gazed up at him with big, sad eyes. lazewing stepped into the nest and curled himself around her. "What's wrong?" Scorchfire looked at him and meowed quietly. 

   "I...I saw Mapleclaw with..with Shadefeather. They..they were purring and grooming each other. Then when I asked what was going on between them, Mapleclaw sneered and said 'You actually thought I loved you? If you paid more attention, you would have noticed that me and Petaltalon are mates. I was just using you!'" Scorchfire flattened her ears and whimpered again. Blazewing laid  his tail over her and licked her ears. "You deserve much better than him." 

   Blazewing slept with her in that nest all night and woke up to Scorchfire stretching. he purred and pushed himself up, stretched the licked her shoulder fur. "Morning sleepy slug." She purred and butted him with her head. She leapt out of the den while Blazewing followed him. Blazewing froze when he saw Rockstar lying in the clearing, blood pooling around him. Stoneflight stood over him hissing. No! Not Rockstar! Great Starclan, what's happening to the clan!? 

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