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     Blazewing froze when he saw the sight. The rest of the clan was also frozen. Velvet meanwhile, was coming out of the medicine den. She froze when she saw Stoneflight with blood all around him. She yolwed at him, voice full of anger. She bounded across the clearing and leapt onot Stoneflight hissing. "Why in Starclan would you kill him!? You promised!" The two of them hissed at each other. Rockstar's kits watched in horror from the nursery while their foster mother, Amberclaw, had her jaws gaping in horror and fear. She led the kits back to the nursery and walked back out. She broke apart the two cats by yowling and hissing in fury. 

  They immediately broke apart; even though Amberclaw was a queen at the moment, she was the fiercest she-cat in all of Shadowclan. She glared at Stoneflight then turned her gaze to Rockstar. "My dear friend, stay with us." At the sound of her voice, Rockstar opened his eyes and painfully breathed slowly. Amberclaw crouched next to him and soothed his pain with long, slow strokes of her tongue across his scratches. The clan stood fearfully near the shadows of the camp. Rockstar struggled to stand up then got knocked down again by Stoneflight. "Stay down you old fool! You'll never amount to anything!" Amberclaw bowled him over and unsheathed her long claws. She raked the soft part of his stomach then looked at Velvet. She nodded. Amberclaw glared at Stoneflight then pushed her claws into his stomach. Stoneflight gazed fearfully into her eyes then unsheathed his claws. Amberclaw pushed her claws deeper and slashed his neck.

 Stoneflight froze then closed his eyes slowly. Amberclaw stepped off cautiously then sat down, claws still out. Stoneflight rolled onto his stomach and stood up. Amberclaw twitched her tail then leapt onto him. She dug her teeth into the soft part of his neck and growled. She leapt onto his back and dug her hind claws into his back. Stoneflight pressed himself into the dirt and wheezed. Amberclaw bit his neck then turned her head causing his neck to go snap.

  Everyone stared at Amberclaw then started cheering.....Even Velvet. Velvet scrambled over and stood over Stoneflight. Amberclaw bared her teeth and Velvet crouched down. "I'm sorry. I never loved him anyway." Amberclaw glared at her then nodded. She sheathed her claws then padded over to Rockstar. She nosed him to get up and gently lifted him. Velvet ran to the medicine den and ran out with cobweb. She waited for Amberclaw to step away then gently pushed the cobweb onto the bloody wound.

   Rockstar wheezed then glanced up at Velvet. He widened his eyes fearfully and tried to scramble away. Velvet gently laid her paw over his neck and shook her head. "I'd never kill someone who loved my mother's best friend." She gently licked the blood off of his neck and beckoned his kits forward. "Can you help me clean your father?" The kits eagerly nodded and glanced at their father. Velvet shoved a bit of cobweb towards the kits and pointed to Rockstar's neck. The three kits scrambled up to him and pushed the cobweb onto his neck wound. "Gently, don't hurt your father." Velvet flicked her tail-tip slowly. Amberclaw overlooked everything that the three kits did.

   At moonhigh, Rockstar stopped breathing. Tawnyfoot stepped forward and walked over to Rockstar. She pressed her ear to his chest and sighed. A few moments later, Rockstar gasped and breathed heavily. Shadeheart bounded over and closed his eyes. He placed his paw on his head and stiffened. He glanced at Rockstar, tipped his head then leaned forward. Rockstar nodded stiffly and glanced at him. He rasped slowly, "Just tell them." Shadeheart hesitated then raised his voice. "All cats of Shadowclan, Rockstar has told me something important. He is on his last life." Everyone gasped and gazed at Tawnyfoot. Tawnyfoot padded forward and glanced at Rockstar. Rockstar pushed himself up and stumbled to Tawnyfoot. He lashed his tail slowly and breathed heavily. "Tawnyfoot, I am on my last life and can no longer live as leader. I have spoken with Starclan and they understand why I am doing this. I resign as leader. I shall go to be an elder. I take back my leader name and resign as Rockfire." He nodded and stumbled over to the elders. He touched noses with his brother, Limppelt and stood beside him. 

   Tawnyfoot looked around and gazed at Shadeheart. They both nodded and Tawnyfoot lashed her tail. "When I come back, I shall announce the deputy. Shadeheart, let's go. Blazewing, take care of the camp while I'm gone." Everyone stared after Tawnyfoot as she left the camp. Scorchfire padded over to Blazewing and licked his cheek. "I'm going to sleep." Blazewing gazed warmly at her. "Darkstrike! I'll be back. Look after the camp for a couple of moments." 

   He nuzzled Scorchfire and told her to come with him. He led her to the outside of the camp and sat down on a small, flat rock. "Scorchfire," he meowed." I know you said it's too early, but all I think about is you. I love you Scorchfire! I want to be your mate, I want you to have my kits, I want to make you happy!" Scorchfire stood frozen then padded slowly towards him. "I love you too. I accept your offer. I want to have your kits. And I know you can make me happy." She nuzzled him and licked his ear.

  The two of them padded back to camp and Scorchfire licked his ear then walked to the Warriors den. Greyheart padded over and purred. "Well hello there. I see you have taken my half-sister as a mate. I just wanted to tell you something. Please, make her happy. I know that our mother wanted her to be happy. I care for her but its hard." Blazewing nodded and purred softly. "I understand her pain and longing."

   He stayed up all night waiting for Tawnyfoot to come back. At sunhigh, she finally came back. She leapt onto the shadowrock and called the clan together. "I am now Tawnystar! I have chosen my deputy as well. And even though they are young, and have not had an apprentice, they shall have one when the kits become apprentices. Blazewing, will you be my deputy?"

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