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  Two nights later, they were on their way to the Gathering. Logpelt had moved into the nursery heavy with Rockstar's kits. Rockstar was beaming with happiness and Greyheart was, too.Scorchfire didn't care much but Blazewing knew that she was happy for her mother.Blazewing knew she loved and cared for her mother.

 When they reached the Island, they all heard meows and squeals of happiness and laughter. Everyone pushed onto the Island. He yelped as he fell into the water. Before he hit the water, he heard Scorchfire screech. He saw a beautiful graceful she-cat leap into the water and rescue him. He felt cold wind as he got laid onto the shore of the Island. He looked around and blinked water from his eyes.

 A Riverclan she-cat gazed down at him. "Are you okay? You fell off the bridge. Oh right, my name is Icewillow. You must be Blazewing." Blazewing stood up weakly and Scorchfire ran up to him and licked his face and looked worried. Blazewing couldn't have felt more happy in this moment.

Icewillow looked amused and flicked her tail. "I see..Take care, you two!" Scorchfire looked at him with eyes brimming with emotion and...was "Scorchfire I'm ok. I just hit the water too hard." Greyheart was looking at them with annoyance in her gaze. What's her problem? Was she...jealous? Greyheart noticed him and looked away.

 Does she..actually like me? Maybe that's why she was looking at us like that. Nevermind her. She can't be a part of my life is she is jealous.

  Maybe Scorchfire could,though. The leaders started the Gathering but before long, a shadow leapt into the tree and looked down. The shadow glared at Rockstar and hissed." Remember me?" Rockstar's fur stood on end and froze. "STONEFLIGHT!"

Blazewing's WishWhere stories live. Discover now