Breaking The Code

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    Blazestar beckoned her over. "We're going to Skyclan to speak with Fawnstar. Some..cats have been breaking the warrior code." He looked at Splashclaw, then Deerfall, then Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw nodded and the four cats made their way.

  Once they reached the border, a small patrol was walking along the border. Dawnpaw flexed her claws then sheathed them. The patrol consisted of Cedarfang. Snailear, Olivewing, Hawkstrike and Lilystem. Snailear walked forward and stared at Deerfall. "Why were you on their territory? Blazestar, Splashclaw and Dawnpaw what do you want?"

    Blazestar lashed his tail. "We found Deerfall waiting for Splashclaw. I believe they are breaking the code. We want to speak with Fawnstar." Snailear flattened his ears. Then he nodded and allowed the four cats to cross. Deerfall flicked her tail and walked beside Snailear and Hawkstripe. Hawkstripe, her father, glared at Deerfall. Snailear, her brother, walked beside her lashing his tail. Once they reached the camp, Fawnstar was talking with Tansyfur, the medicine cat. Fawnstar noticed them and flattened her ears. "What is going on? Blazewing, if this is about the prey, we dropped a rabbit off at dawn." Blazestar lashed his taail once. "First off, it's Blazestar. Second, we saw. And last, we spotted Deerfall in our territory calling for Splashclaw. I spoke with her and I believe she is mates with Splashclaw. I came to speak to you in case you didn't already know." Fawnstar lashed her tail and growled at Deerfall. "Come here now !" Deerfall walked to Fawnstar and flattened her ears. Fawnstar stared at Deerfall, eyes brimming with anger and humiliation. "How could I not notice that my daughter was breaking the code! Snailear, Olivewing, Fallenspring! Did any of you know that your sister was breaking the code?" Fallenspring looked down at his paws then padded forward. "I did. I've known for a moon."

   Deerfall flattened her ears  then looked at her paws. Olivewing and Snailear then padded forward and glared at Deerfall. Fawnstar stepped away from her daughter then faced Blazestar. "How long have you known?" Blazestar stared at Fawnstar and blinked. "Since this sunhigh. I found out and came straight here." Fawnstar nodded then faced her mate, Hawkstripe. Hawkstrike glared at Deerfall and Fallenspring, eyes showing fierce anger and humiliation. He looked at his mate then at Blazestar. Fawnstar padded to him and whispered into his ear. "You may go now. I will take of this." Fawnstar growled. Blazestar nodded and beckoned Splashclaw and Dawnpaw.

  The three of them left the Skyclan camp and began walking towards their territory. Blazestar kept growling at Splashclaw. He looked visibly guilty as Blazestar kept snarling at him but Splashclaw kept staring at his paws. Once they reached the border, it was almost dusk. "Next time, try to find someone in your clan and do not break the code that makes a clan." Splashclaw muttered something under his breath then walked to Emberpaw. He flicked her ear with his tail then broke into the warriors den. Scorchfire was pacing the nursery then saw Blazestar. She flattened her ears then ran to him. "Blazestar! Greyheart is having her kits!" She gasped. 

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