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tw// blood, mentions of s*lf h*rm//

some claudia fluff in here-

"So did he ask you to the dance or not?" Kristy asked, annoying Siri once again.

Over the week, Stacey and Claudia had convinced Siri to change up her style, so now instead of her usual clothes from the floor of her room she looked like a cottagecore lesbian. She liked it though.

Kristy on the other hand did not. She said that Stace and Claud had "ruined Siri."

Siri ended up kicking her in the ankle.

"Well?" Kristy said, pushing a bag of ice on her ankle.

"He asked me if I was going and said he'd see me there! So he basically asked me. We'll be there together... basically." Claudia said, cringing whilst doing so. She sadly took another bite of the Twizzler she was holding. She then went over to Siri wanting to fix her eyeliner a bit.

"Here's the thing. A guy like Trevor Sandbourne isn't gonna like, show up at your door with a corsage. That's just not the way things are done in his kind of circles." Stacey told Kristy, just wanting to get the conversation over with.

Siri and Claudia looked at Stacey and then Kristy, wanting to see her reaction.

Mary-Anne was looking at the other four girls, kind of wishing she was as cool as them. She was also interested in what Kristy would say.

"Which are what, exactly?" Kristy asked, kind of enjoying the attention from the girls.

"Sophisticated circles. Artistic circles." Siri told Kristy. She had changed, but she is happier this way, less depressio more espresso.

"You've changed Syriah McGill. You've suddenly become some cottagecore princess, all into art. What happened? You used to be so cool." Kristy said. Siri looked at her and said, "Well, at least I'm not a thick-headed bitch who judges people for no reason!"

The four girls had stared at her, all for different reasons.

Stacey was proud of her for standing up to Kristy, Claudia was silently admiring her, Mary-Anne was shaking cause she had never actually heard anyone curse, and Kristy was confused because no one had ever stood up to her.

It was so quiet you could hear a fly burp.

"Are you gonna wear a costume?" Mary-Anne asked Claudia, breaking the silence that was hanging over them for far too long.

"I was gonna be a troll doll, but for Trevor, I might have to think of something a little more... soigné," Claudia said, going back to fixing Siri's makeup.

"Thats so stupid. Listen Claudia, I love you, but you and Stacey are literally obsessed with boys. Getting dressed up for a guy that doesn't even have the guts to properly ask you out? Shit, I'm getting heartbroken for you!" Siri exclaimed, surprising Mary-Anne once again.

This time the silence wasn't so bad.

After Mary-Anne started talking about this Logan kid, Siri was just picking at her nails.

"Hey, wanna talk outside for a sec?" Claud whispered in her ear. The two snuck out while there was a whole thing about this phantom caller.

There was also a phone call, but it was the night of the dance, and Stacey and Claudia had convinced Siri to go.

They snuck out and Mimi just winked at them.

The two were just walking around the town until they saw the house next to Siri's that was surrounded by moving trucks.

No one was there except for some woman who looked like she would date Mary-Anne's dad for no reason except for the fact that he is kinda charming.

Siri almost opened the door but stopped abruptly.

"Riah? Whats wrong?" Claudia asked.

Siri remembered her conversation with her sister.

"I can tell that you like Claudia. Just don't bring her in the house. She'll see my stuff, and your... blood." The blond told her sister.

The redhead looked at her sister. "I can take her straight to my room!"

"Riah, are you stupid? Forget about the bloody scissors on the bathroom floor, what would mom say? She would kill you!"

"Well my dear sister, our mother can suck my dick."

"Sorry, I just remembered that we have cleaning ladies here today! They are really nice but hate it when we are in the house," Siri said, grabbing Claudia's hand.

They were close. Siri's mother saw the girls from her window.

Too close for friends, she thought. Is my daughter a homosexual?

"O-oh, d-do you wanna go get ice cream? Like, from t-the pharmacy?" The shorter girl stuttered out, feeling her face heat up.

"Why are you stuttering so much? Nervous?" Siri said, kind of making fun of the shorter girl.

"I l-like to role play as s-stuttering B-bill from It?"

Siri smirked. "Okay, art nerd."

"Whatever, skateboarding girl."

"Can you believe it? A fail!" Claudia groaned, holding up her test to the two McGills.

"It's better then last time. Maybe your parents will be like 'Yay, improvement!'" Stacey said.

"Trevor's gonna think I'm a total loser." Claudia said.

Siri spotted someone in the hallway, the kid was with their mom.

Hey, that's my neighbour! Siri thought.

The kid turned around.

Siri had never seen anyone more beautiful.

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