you are a hypocrite

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5 years later
To the kitchen, gulf was to the counter, mixing food together, with mew behind him, arms wrapped, head to his shoulder looking down.
"Mmm......I love this dish..... When will it be done?"
"A bit....."
Gulf turned his head, has mew leaned his back, there eyes darted.
"Happy Valentine's day my love."
Mew rubbed his nose to his to then place his lips upon his.
Coming in pico, stood to the door way to smirk, rolling his eyes he went in to sit to the counter to grabbed an apple from the bowl, to bite loudly into it, causing the two to look to him.
"You two...... Get a room."
Gulf chuckled.
"Were in one."
Looking back down, he kept mixing, mew placed his head to his shoulder to look down again.
"Can't wait till you place it in the oven, this is a great feast for Valentine's day."
Picos eyes widen.
"Today..... Is Valentine's day?"
They both looked to him.
"Why? Do you have a crush on someone pico?" Mew asked.
He peered his eyes down to shrug.
Gulf looked him over to giggle.
"Who is she?"
Pico made a face to then get off the chair to turn to leave.
"I don't like girls." He said over his shoulder.
Gulf nodded, to then go back to mixing.
Mew watched him go, with brows furrowed, he then let go of gulf to then place his hand to the counter, to turn.
Gulf being finished, then placed the food into the pan.
"Do...... You know about this gulf?"
Gulf looked to mews back to dart his eyes, he then grabbed the pan to go to the stove to start she place the food in.
"Know about what?"
He turned to eye mew, to then go to him to try and place his arms about, just to be shaken off. Gulf took a deep breathe in.
For the last 5 years, mew had done things like this, everytime he saw another gay couple he then would shake gulf off of him or if he started to question picos sexuality the same thing would happen.
Gulf looked over mew to turn to grab the dishes, to then take to the sink.
"Your making to much of this mew, our son is only 11."
Mew took a deep breathe, to chew at his cheek.
"I think..... Him seeing us like this......a lot over the years...... Is confusing him."
Gulfs eyes widen, has the sink started to fill, he shut the water off to turn his head to eye mew.
"Mew...... Stop..... That's not how....."
Mew turned to eye gulf.
"We..... Need to pull back our affection a bit.....I can see this is affecting my son....."
Gulfs lips parted to watch mew leave.
Turning his head, gulf hung his head to start on the dishes.
Your.... Son huh?
Gulf took a deep breathe to do the dishes.
I'n the last 5 years, has they slowly came out to everyone, mew started to really listen to hoa's mother, his own and a few work colleagues about there relationship may have an affect on pico.
Gulf saw pico has a happy and mature child but he could tell mew didn't see him has such, he knew mew worried about pico and was concerned he was going to turn gay too, gulf didn't really understand why that mattered to him, he also didn't explain to gulf why it seemed to bother him if he was or not, also to gulf he saw pico has that 5 year old child he first met, he didn't think that way but knew mew was starting to.
That was the main reason why gulf wouldn't walk down the aisle yet, at first mew cared but now he barely talked about it, they both continued to wear there rings and talked about having a baby together and told others they were engaged to be wed, but gulf was keeping it on pause for how mew was acting with him and what was going on with pico, gulf could tell mew didn't see himself has gay and he had a very big problem with pico might be. So for the last 5 years, gulf just stayed in the shadows to be the best wifey he could be for mew and best mother/father for pico and didn't push mew in any direction.
He also had his plate full, he graduated last year, became a co boss next to his hubby, which he worked very hard to complete. There were a few people who thought he only got that job because of there relationship so that stressed gulf out a bit, but he never really showed it and didn't take it home with him. 
Completing the dishes, gulf washed his hands to dry to take a deep breathe.
This..... Can't be easy for him gulf..... Go talk to him.....
Turning he went to the Landry room to gather there clothes to then go to there room with the hamper to set it down to the bed, to stand to the side, he eyed mew who laid down, arms behind his head to look to the ceiling lost in thought.
Gulf then looked to the laundry to fold.
"Mew......I really do think your making to much of this..... our pico is only 11...... And...."
Mew peered his eyes to the side to sit up.
"Gulf......I do think...... What he is seeing is impacting his sexuality, I want him to be straight....."
Gulf chuckled.
"Mew...... Your not straight..... Hahaha.....has long has he is happy why should it....."
"Gulf! Knock it off! Your going to turn my son gay!"
Gulfs eyes widen to then look to mew with a face.
"Are..... You kidding me right now?"
Mew flexed his jaw.
Gulf shook his head.
"Your unbelievable....... Why would you say such things to....."
Mew then stood to eye.
"It's because you made me gay gulf."
Gulfs body froze.
Gulf shook his head to then turn, mew took a deep breathe in to try to place his hand to his shoulder.
He smacked it away to turn eyeing mew.
"You can't turn people gay mew.....I can't believe you said that to me and is calling pico just yours.....I have done so much for you and our son! I can tell your under stress and allowing what others are telling you get to your head but for you to place your frustrations out on me it's bull! Your not the only one who is stressed or over whelmed and over work! I'm..... Going to sleep on the couch tonight. I don't want to see your face right now......I can't believe you said these things to me! You know how much I've struggled......"
Gulf turned to shake his head, mew then reached for him to then shake his hand away to turn to look to mew.
"Don't! I don't want you to touch me. I'm..... Going to go to a hotel till you calm down!"
Mews eyes widen.
He then watched gulf leave. He placed a hand to his forehead. Damn it...... Why did I say those things.......I..... Don't mean them..... Damn it..... Gulf knows me so well..... He is right..... I'm letting those homophobic thoughts In my head, and I'm so stressed out..... I'm lashing out..... To someone who does not deserve this.....
Mew Shook his head to get gulf before he could leave.
Stepping to him, he placed his hand to his wrist, to stop him from leaving after he put on his coat.
Gulf turned to eye.
"Let go......I want to leave......"
"Gulf I'm....."
They both turned there heads to hear something in the kitchen, Gulfs eyes widen.
Shoot, the food.....
Gulf took his hand away to then go with mew in tow.
They looked to see pico take the pan out, they both eyed the action to look to the table, there was a card on it.
"Pico..... Who is that card for?" Mew questioned.
Picos blushed a bit, to then take the oven mitts off. He then went to the card to grab with the pen.
"It's...... For a girl in my...... Class......I..... Have a crush okay....."
Pico then turned to run a bit away.
Mew smiled, gulf made a face to then turn to go back to the door.
"There, "your son is straight!" I'm going to a hotel....... Don't want to be near you right now."
Mew took a deep breathe in, to follow gulf who made it to the door, with his hand to the handle, he stopped him from leaving by wrapping his arms about..
"Mew..... Let me go......I...."
"Gulf..... I'm sorry....... All what you said is right...... But more importantly I shouldn't be this way to you...... I'm sorry..... You don't deserve it.......I love you gulf.......I want to one day see you in white and walking towards me...... This is something we need to....."
Gulf signed.
"It's not going to happen if you keep thinking this way.....I..... Can't marry you if you..... Have thoughts like this..."
Mew nodded, he then moved a hand to his to cover, to then take his other to his neck to lift his head up to turn. There eyes darted.
"I really am sorry gulf..... Please..... Don't leave me..... Especially on Valentine's day....."
Mew then rubbed his nose to his.
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
"Do...... You really see pico has just yours?"
He leaned his head back to shake.
"No gulf I don't...... I've just been...... But that's a poor excuse....... Your his mother gulf...... You know this......I am sorry....."
Mew then slowly was able to take his hand off the door nob to then turn gulf, he kept his arms to the sides, mew placed his hand to his.
"Gulf...... Please..... Don't be mad.....I love you.,.... I'm sorry...... Please......."
Gulf looked him over to take his hands out of his to then wrap his arms around.
"Let's..... Go eat dinner....."
Gulf placed his lips to his, to then take his hands to his chest to push back to then turn leaving taking off his jacket.
Mew turned his head to watch him go.
Fuck....... I'm such a bastard..... Gulf.....I really am truly sorry......
Mew then went forward to go finish off there bad Valentine's day feeling horrible for how he was acting, knowing his beloved gulf didn't deserve that.

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