needed the air

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Parked, outside his house, gulf took a deep breathe in, previously he went to a park to walk and think, after 2 hours later, he wanted to see mew and pico. Gulf first thought about a hotel but he didn't want to be apart from mew or pico, not even for one night. He also needed to tell mew why he went off like that. It wasn't all just of what he saw, there were other things.
Taking a deep breathe, he wanted to go home, with the two people who had pieces of his heart.
Getting out, he went to the door, to open, inside, he took his shoes off, to stare forward confused.
There was a light melody playing it seemed from the kitchen.
Going forth, he went to the kitchen table to widen his eyes. There was a full feast to it.
Straightening up, gulf felt mews hands going around to help him take off his jacket.
Gulf hung his head feeling a bit ashamed.
"Sit.......I made a few of your favorites."
"How..... Did you know.....I would....."
Mew shrugged.
"Call it a hunch I'll go hang this up, go sit.... Please."
Gulf raised his head to look about.
"Where is....."
"Pico is spending the night with your parents, who were delighted to have him. I'll pick him up before he needs to go to school. You and I need to talk."
Gulf hung his head again feeling terrible.
He didn't like the fact pico needed to leave.
Is.....mew going to.... Break up with me for my earlier behivor?
Tears started to well up in Gulfs eyes.
Taking a deep breathe, has he heard foot steps depart behind him, he sat, to keep his head hung, looking to his hands.
Going back, mew sat, to place his hands, cupped to the table, to look at them.
Gulf peered his eyes to the side.
"So......." Gulf questioned.
"When..... Should I...... Expect for you to want to..... Pack and leave gulf?"
Gulfs eyes widen to look to mew confused.
Mew took in a long deep breathe.
"You..... Were there...... You saw....... That cunt..... On top of me..... I'm sure..... You think I cheated on you with....."
Mew gritted his teeth to grimace.
Gulf gulped.
"So...... That's why you.... Left right..... To gather your thoughts..... To try and figure out how to break up with me..... Right?"
Gulf peered his eyes over the table.
"Did you..... Not listen nor hear what I said to that woman?"
"I did gulf...... But.....I believe you said all of that..... To keep her away from me and pico...."
Gulf peered his eyes to the side.
"All of what I said was true.......I..... Needed to clear my head..... Because of what she said about pico.....I mean..... What kind of person, mother, could ever say those things about the most sweetest, loving, accepting little boy ever?"
Mews eyes widen to look to gulf.
"You left..... Because of what..... She said about pico? Not because..... You want to break up and you think I cheated on you with her?"
Gulfs eyes brows raised to look to mew to shake his head.
"No..... Well.... Not entirely...... Was I.....a bit shock and sickened to see her on you like that..... Yes.... But mew...... Just like I said.....I don't believe that.....I know if you cheat on me.... It wouldn't be with her......I also saw the face you were making........I also very much trust you......I...... Just needed to get out of there...... Also..... Don't you want to.... Break up with me? Isn't that why....... Pico isn't here...... For how I acted and....."
Turning his head, leaning into the chair, mew had gotten up, to go to gulf, to move the chair, to help him up to wrap his arms around. Gulf kept his to either side, darting.
"God no gulf....... Never......I never ever want to break up with you.....I know we needed to talk after what occurred, i didn't want pico to see us talking or possibly fighting. That's why he is at your grandparents, I also thought...... You believed in what you saw, thought you were going to leave us......oh my God gulf......I love you too much, there is no longer a me without you in my life."
Tears started to stream down both there faces. Gulf raised his hands up to grip his back.
"Mew......I......could never ever leave you or pico..... You two have pieces of my heart.....I love the two of you so very much. You are my only real family, you two make every day a little brighter, a little happier and I can feel the two of yours love and warmth. I.... Never really have ever had that...... My grandparents are..... Beyond amazing but..... You two....... Make me whole in ways I have never felt before."
Mew smiled to lean back, to place his hands to Gulfs face, bringing his thumbs up, he wiped away his tears.
"Mew..... I'm so sorry..... For how I acted...... For my....."
Mew shook his head.
"Don't you dare apologize, you did nothing wrong, how you acted, is what any good parent would have done. I'm surprise you didn't try to spit on her while I held you back." Mew lightly, jokily chuckled.
Gulf shared in to shake his head.
"You know I wouldn't do that...... She..... For better or worse...... In this case worse..... Is picos mother...... The only good thing she has done in her life was have that boy. So..... By Friday..... She'll be gone right...... You two.... Will be divorced right? After all this is said and done, I want to tell everyone that I am the luckiest man alive, that I gulf hamina, is dating mew mujo."
Mew smiled and wide to caress his cheek.
There eyes darted.
"Yes....... The divorce is finalized Friday, if she wants her money, she'll be gone and...... Gulf......I want to be the one to tell everyone that I am the one who is the luckiest man alive...... Why....... Because I am dating gulf hamina....... Hopefully one day will be gulf mujo......"
Gulf smiled wider.
"Mmmm...... Maybe gulf mujo...... What about mew hamina?"
Mew then started to lean in.
"Maybe...... Usually the wife takes the husband's last name."
Gulf leaned his chin up to rub his bottom lip to his.
"Who says..... I'll be the wife?"
Mew then took his hands down to make gulf jump up, wrapping his arms and legs about.
"Mmm..... You are the wife...... I'm the husband gulf...... But maybe we both can have the others last name...... Anything for you..... Now......I thought.....I was going to lose you forever.....I want us...... To go and make up....."
Gulf nodded with pure delight.
Mew moved his head up to place his tongue in Gulfs mouth, to then turn them to take the love of his life to bed, before they needed to have another serious conversation.

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