Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV

It was the day Fitz had actually asked me out!!! I asked Biana to help me dress my best.

"So, I know what my brother likes, and I'm thinking of a teal dress," Biana said.

"Well, I guess that could work. I mean, I do have a ton of teal dresses for no apparent reason!" I laughed nervously.

"Sophie, we all know it's because you like the shade of Fitz's eyes! Though I don't understand why you think his eyes are so much better! We have the same eye color!" I smiled.

"And what are we doing for shoes? Maybe some platform heels?"

"Biana, I don't really want to go all out!"

"Uh, yeah you do!"

"Well, fine. What should I do for my makeup?"

"You're putting on makeup? What has Fitz done to you? But if you're willing, might as well go for it."  (A/N I love that line for some reason) She brushed on some blush on my cheeks and rubbed on some lip gloss.

"Okay, okay, easy there. What hairstyle should I go for?"

"I think I'll do up some beachy waves." Finally, my little makeover was done.

"Good luck!" Ding dong I heard the bell ring as I "Glided" down the stairs as Biana told me to. I wore silk white gloves to prevent my enhancing. Grady opened the door, but before he could leave a nasty comment, I quitted my gliding and threw myself into Fitz's arms.

"Ya missed me, eh?" He said smugly.

"Hey!" I said in my annoyance. Grady glared at him.

"Bye," I exclaimed, not even bothering to turn around.

"Bye kiddo."

"You look... beautiful."

"Thank you," I managed to say, which was a victory for me since my brain had turned to mush.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked excitedly.

"Somewhere special."

"What! Where???" I begged.

"You'll see! Just be patient." We light leaped to a small clearing. When I turned around, I saw the most beautiful carriage, as if it was something out of Cinderella.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful Fitz!"

"Well, that's not it!" Fitz said. I felt my lips curl into a smile. I clambered inside. He grasped my hand as the horse-like creatures pulled us along.

"I'm really glad it worked out." He said softly.

"Me too," I whispered as I leaned my head against his shoulder. Finally, we stopped at a small grotto, filled with flowers.

"Here we are."

"Wow, Fitz! It's perfect!"

"Just like you." I blushed. He thought I was perfect? Fitz Vacker thought I was perfect!?! Our fingers laced together. Then the weirdest, yet the best thing happened.

"I love you" Fitz blurted.

"I... I love you too."

Broken B1 - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now