{🍓}Yugi Twins x shy!reader

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This will be when they didn't die. (duh). I ain't gonna make her uwu shy.uwuwuuwwwu. also tsukasa is cute, change my mind. (nah you can't >:3)


(Y/N)'s POV:

 I was walking up an alley to go to school. I wonder what Amane, Tsukasa, and I are gonna do today. "(N/n)!" A familiar voice called in the distance, and obviously I turn around from curiosity.  A boy charged at me full speed ahead and wrapped me into a full embrace, pulling my neck back a bit. "Ack!" I gagged. "..Tsukasa, you have to be gentle with girls." Amane shook his head.

"Oh, right!" He let go. "Hi, guys.." I waved a bit. "Ne, ne (N/n). Why are you always so quiet?" Tsukasa booped my nose. I looked down at my feet and kick a rock. Amane sighs and grabs my arm. 

"Huh?" I blushed. "Listen, (Y/n)..you can just ignore Tsukasa." Amane whispers. "..But doesn't that seem really mean?" I mumbled. "Nope, if he's bothering you it's no problem." "Hey! What are you two mumbling about? Are you guys going on a date?" Tsukasa smirks. 

"WHAT? NO!" Amane lets go of my arm, and turns around. I was blushed slightly.  "Just kidding! Jeez you guys really can't take a joke can you?" He chuckles. "..Not funny." Amane walks ahead. "Moody much?" 

"C'mon (Y/n)-chan." Tsukasa holds my hand. He gently sways our hands in the air. "Hey, Tsuki.." I squeezed. "Yeah?" "Do you love your brother?' He looks at me with confusion. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

"Ah, right. That's a dumb question...well, how much do you love him?" I look at Amane. "I love him a lot. More than he knows." Tsukasa eyes turn dark. "Mhm, sounds 'bout right." I nod. "Ne (N/n), do you like someone?" He turns to me.

"W-wha? I don't k-know!" I panick. "Hmm? Is it my brother?" He comes closer to my face. "Wha-" "...Is it me?" Tsukasa lets go of my hand and backs me up to the wall. "Y-you? I-I don't know.."  I blush. "Huhh?" He comes closer to my lips. "TSUKASA! ENOUGH!" Amane yells.

Tsukasa jolts up and looks at him. "Eheh! It looks like I got carried away a bit." Tsukasa scratches his cheek. I slid down the wall in embarrssment. Amane runs up to me and shakes me a bit to snap me out of it. "Are you okay (Y/n)..?" He continues to shake. 

"Y-yeah." I wipe my face. "Tsukasa! Jeez..you really never listen to me." He pulls me up, still gripping on my arm. "It's alright, I'm fine." I dust my skirt. Tsuki grabs my other arm and hold it up. "What are you doing..?" "I wanna hold your hands." He intertwines his hands with mine. 

"Y'know you can hold her hands too, Amane." Tsuaksa smirks. "H-hold her hands?" He hesitates. "N-no, I'm fine." He covers his mouth with his hand. "Oh, alright." He tugs my hand. 

I feel a bit of a push on my chest. I want to hold Tsukasa-kun's hand forever. It's warm and soft, so I smile. "(N/n)?" "Huh?" I look up. "Oh, so you weren't listening!" He pouts. "O-oh I'm sorry." I bow a bit. "No, no it's fine, I'll tell you later." 

I look behind me and Amane was walking a bit slowly and mumbling to himself. I pity him a bit, so I let go of Tsuki's hand and walk to Amane. I intertwine my fingers with his. "(Y/n)..?' He blinks twice. "Aren't you feeling left out? I'll hold hands with you and Tsuki." 

I run up to Tsukasa and hold his hand too, then I start walking. Both of them were by my side, but then I realize, I'm kinda short compared to them. Well not that it matters, they are boys anyways. No, I'm just short, aren't they shorter than average of a regular 14 year old? No, but-


I jolt from the sudden scream. "There you go spacing out again (N/n)." Tsukasa pats my head. "Did you get enough sleep last night?"  "Y-yeah, of course." I continue to walk. "Alright.." He shrugs it off. 

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