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normal - present 

italics - past

"Yoongi, you shouldn't drink so much," Jungkook said as he watched Yoongi take another swig from his almost empty beer bottle and then dump it on the wooden floor of his hotel room to be the other empty bottles. Yoongi merely grunted and ran his hand through his dyed pink hair. Jungkook set down his dull school bag onto the floor and busied himself with picking up the empty bottles and throwing them into the recycling bin.

"Why don't you go hang out with Taehyung?" Yoongi retorted in his drunken slurs, which, by now, Jungkook was used to.

"I don't know," Jungkook mumbled quietly in return. In all honesty, Jungkook hadn't seen their old high school friend Taehyung since he graduated. Jungkook wanted to reach out to him, but he was too timid to and his parents didn't like him hanging out around what they called "nobodies". Jungkook wasn't even allowed to see Yoongi, but he always made sure to come by his hotel room after school and talk to him since he always admired and looked up to him. Yoongi didn't know, but in Jungkook's eyes, he didn't have to know.

"Kook-ah," Yoongi suddenly said in a softer tone from his lying position on his bed. "You can't keep blowing off cram school."

"It's not that important, hyung," Jungkook reassured him. "I already studied and finished my homework."

"Good bunny," Yoongi smiled and sat up to ruffle Jungkook's hair, earning a blush from Jungkook. He still got flustered hearing that little nickname that Yoongi gave him years ago.


"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Jungkook looked up from the old piano to see Yoongi standing at the door of the old school storage room, which was also used as a detention room from time to time. It was their group of friends' favorite place to hang out besides the beach. Jungkook particularly liked the room because he could play the ebony and ivory keys of the dusty piano without being pushed away from the gorgeous instrument.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook said in surprise. "Why are you here? I thought you have class right now."

"Decided to skip, what about you?" Yoongi asked, ignoring Jungkook's repetition of his question.

"I have a free," Jungkook answered truthfully. He was brought up to be obedient and respectful so he never fathomed skipping class. He got a harsh slap across the face from his own father when the latter found out that Jungkook got detention, although that detention led Jungkook to meet his best friends. His best friends who understood him.

"You can keep playing, I was just going to take a rest on one of the chairs," Yoongi responded and Jungkook merely nodded timidly in response. He watched as Yoongi carelessly flung himself onto one of the many stored chairs in the classroom before he turned back to the piano. Jungkook was nervous to play his beloved instrument in front of Yoongi because he knew how skilled of a pianist Yoongi was. He had even learned the basics of playing the piano by watching Yoongi's slender pale hands dance swiftly along the keys of the withered instrument. 

After hearing deep breaths escape from Yoongi, Jungkook determined that he was asleep and took a deep breath in, placing his shaky hands on the keys. He took a deep breath before beginning to play a soft and melodic tune, not wanting to wake Yoongi up from his nap. As the song progressed, Jungkook fell into the music more and more until all that surrounded him was the musical notes. The chairs, brooms, and other storage were forgotten and the melody wrapped around him, pulling him into its warmth. After Jungkook's fingers graced the last notes, he sat back on the piano bench and smiled to himself, feeling the warmth still pulse through his veins.

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