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"Hi Kook."

Yoongi stood in front of the small smooth gravestone, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand. His feet stood planted in the dewy grass as he tried to bite back his tears. 

It had been a week since he had received the call from Jin telling him Jungkook had jumped. 

He visited Jungkook's grave everyday since then, still unable to process that Jungkook was gone. He mostly just talked, specifying about what happened to him that day and how he was as if Jungkook were actually there.

"I miss you. 

"Today, I talked with Jin again. He said that he saw Namjoon and Taehyung. I guess those two are doing well. 

"I have another shift later today and I'm still playing my music even though it pisses my boss off. I'll get fired soon, but I don't really give a fuck. 

"I got a few tips from last time so I'll bring you better flowers tomorrow, I promise. 

"I just- fuck, I miss you so much, Kook. How did this happen? 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Tears were beginning to pour down Yoongi's face, a rare thing to happen as Yoongi usually maintained a stoic stature. 

His knuckles had turned white as they harshly gripped onto the bouquet, his emotions getting the best of him.

"I could've helped you. You didn't have to suffer alone. 

"I thought we were going to fight together, but you left me. I don't blame you. Everyone must have their reason for wanting to be dead. And for wanting to be alive. 

"Why did you feel like dying? What did you live for? I just want you back in my arms so bad. You always had me. 

"Until every last star in the galaxy dies, you would've had me."


"Yoongi-hyung!" Jungkook cheered as he walked into the old dusty storage room of their high school. 

Yoongi, whose focus was on the melody he was creating on the piano that was in front of him, nodded in greeting.

Jungkook waited for Yoongi's attention, patiently listening to the chords that were being played with tenderness and fragility. 

When Yoongi's fingers landed on the last keys, Jungkook quietly clapped, amazed at the beautiful song that Yoongi had formed.

"Wow hyung, that was beautiful!" Jungkook exclaimed, his enthusiasm causing Yoongi's lips to form a small smile. "What's the song called?"

"Spring Day," Yoongi responded, the name simply rolling off his tongue without much thought.

"I love your music, hyung," Jungkook admitted, deciding to finally tell Yoongi what he had thought for a longtime. 

"It gives me hope that our stories will one day have a beautiful end as your music does. It's reassuring for people who are lost, hoping for their spring to come again soon."

Yoongi wasn't sure what to respond as he had never really been complimented on his music before. 

After mother, an avid musician, killed herself through arson, his father threw out his sheet music and yelled at him whenever he even mentioned music. 

Without thinking twice, Yoongi wrapped his long arms around Jungkook's smaller figure, engulfing him in a warm bear hug. He nuzzled his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, relishing in Jungkook's warmth. 

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