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"Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook ran after the boy down the crowded school hallway, stopping occasionally to bow towards his seniors. Yoongi, who was walking leisurely down the hall to his classroom stopped in his tracks and turned to face Jungkook who was still recovering from his sprint. Yoongi found the sight amusing, but kept his neutral expression as he waited for Jungkook to speak.

"Where were you going?" Jungkook asked after stopping to catch his breath.

"You ran after me to ask where I was going?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well no, but I'm just curious," Jungkook replied, slightly pouting. Yoongi couldn't keep back a small smile and softly ruffled Jungkook's soft hair.

"I was headed to my classroom for detention, but what were you gonna ask?"

"Well I wanted to treat you to lunch, but you should go to detention so you don't get in more trouble," Jungkook smiled and tried to walk away, but Yoongi quickly took a hold of his backpack and turned him around.

"Sure, let's go," Yoongi shrugged and started walking towards the staircase with his hands carelessly stuffed in his pocket. Jungkook stood in confusion, but after coming to his senses, smiled and ran after his hyung.

"Where do you want to go?" Jungkook asked as they descended down the concrete stairs.

"Anywhere is fine," Yoongi said curtly and shrugged.

"Do you want to see Hoseok hyung at his job?" Jungkook suggested, hoping that this option would be agreeable for Yoongi.

"Sure," Yoongi said and they both made their way out of the school in search of the small fast food restaurant. Their friend, Hoseok, who was a year younger than Yoongi, was a bubbly and positive boy, but was often found sleeping at random times. He was the only one within their group of friends who had a job because he lived alone and needed rent money as many people do.

When they entered the cold and grim restaurant through the foggy glass doors, they were met with Hoseok and his bright smile from behind the main cash register.

"Hi guys!" Hoseok exclaimed cheerfully with his famous heart smile. His smile was not one of those fake smiles that are forcefully stretched onto someone's face. His smile was one that was naturally spread on his face, which, in Jungkook's opinion, was put there as an ego check for the sun.

"Hey Hobi-hyung!" Jungkook smiled back as Yoongi nodded towards Hoseok in acknowledgement.

"What can I get you guys?" Hoseok asked as he fixed his red cap, one that all the employees were required to wear and one that they all hated with a passion.

"I'll have fries, the combo hamburger, and the vanilla milkshake," Jungkook said after studying the menu for a second. "What about you, Yoongi-hyung?"

"I'll have the same," Yoongi announced and Hoseok nodded, typing in the orders into the register.

"Your total is $15.06, but I'll give you a $5 dollar family and friends discount," Hoseok whispered, making Jungkook laugh.

"Are you even allowed to do that?" Yoongi asked with an arched brow.

"No." Hoseok answered bluntly with a mischievous grin as he took the 10 dollar bill and six coins from Jungkook. "Sit down and I'll bring you guys your order in a second."

Jungkook nodded and walked toward a nearby booth made of torn leather. He slid in and happily reached out to pat the opposite side of the plastic table, signaling for Yoongi to sit down as well. Yoongi slid into the booth and listened to Jungkook talk about his day. Yoongi didn't usually feel the need to say anything and with Jungkook, all he wanted to do was listen to his sweet voice. It was music to Yoongi. Music that even the piano couldn't mimic even if it tried.

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