Chapter 27

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It was hard to talk to Vincent about anything after that

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It was hard to talk to Vincent about anything after that. Every time I tried to say something he never responded. He continued to stare out the window until he finally decided to leave. He gave me a kiss before heading out the window.

I sighed and sat at the edge of my bed and continued to look at the window. Vincent had left without saying a single word. I felt bad that this was something that was tormenting him. He shouldn't have to constantly think about his parent's murderers. No human being should go through something as horrible as that. I better than anyone knew.

Even knowing my mom was murdered I hadn't thought much of it. My dad said he...killed the people who had hurt my mom. Thinking about my dad being capable of such a thing, and actually getting away with it, sent a chill down my spine. How could someone just take a life without as much as a second thought?

At this rate I felt like I was going to be sent hurtling right to rock bottom. It seemed that I had one big blow up after another. I wondered what more there was to come. How much more could I handle before I snapped?

In the next few weeks it felt like I didn't see much of my dad. He didn't explain anything that happened the other night. I also made sure not to mention Vincent's little visit.

We didn't celebrate Thanksgiving like normal families did. My dad was busy making some preparations for an important gathering of the pack. I didn't mind not celebrating Thanksgiving.

Now everyone was preparing for Christmas. I knew people gave each other presents on Christmas and got to spend time with their loved ones, but I wasn't like those people. I didn't even know if I would be alive for Christmas.

When I asked Don in the morning to take me to the store he seemed surprised. I wanted to get something for my dad. Something small that showed I cared and I appreciated him. I wanted to show him that he could trust me and I was old enough to handle whatever came at me. I wasn't so sure about the last part but he didn't need to know that.

If I was going to die I wanted him to have something to remember me by. I wouldn't want him remembering me as a girl who died because I wasn't strong enough.

I spend hours walking around different outlets for a present. I finally found something that caught my attention. There was a small shop that had a small display on the window of handmade bracelets. They were made of leather with a silver plaque across the middle. There was a small glass circle in the middle of the plaque. Seeing it up close there was a small image inside of two wolves with a small pup.

It was perfect.

"How are you handling everything?" Don asked on the drive back home.

"I'm...still coping. I keep expecting someone to tell me this is all a joke." I said. "I'm just hoping to make it through all of this."

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