Wisdom Teeth

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Peter gets his wisdom teeth removed and is pretty out of it.

This is loosely based on when i had my wisdom tooth taken out (I only had the one removed i was pretty out there, talking to everybody, which is rare as I suffer from social anxiety, not even making a sense, giggling uncontrollably then the next crying my heart on)

I have changed the timeline slightly, Peter didn't have any powers When Ben was Killed,he become Spiderman a month later, and Tony didn't do a background check on Peter so he didn't know about Uncle Ben, ( that's what I presumed as it's never mentioned in the movie, it just shows tony showing up to the apartment , but tony would of get Friday to do some check on him to found out where he lived and so on) it has been 6 years since Uncle ben passed, Peter Is 16 

Tony stepped into the MedBay (Because peter is special and his metabolism is wacky, a bunch of privite dentist will do the procedure hence the medbay with Bruce overseeing things) , already laughing at the look on Peter's face when he walked in. He looked positively adorable, his brown doe eyes wide and shocked,his head whipping left and right so fast,i was afraid he was going to get whiplash, while May couldnt stop laughting ,from her place beside him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Tony said.

"Oh, that's fine," May shrugged. "Gave us time to get the gauze out. But Bruce said that he's going to be pretty loopy for about a normal amount of time, since they had to up the dosage so much for him."

She'd opened her mouth to say more, but was cut off my Peter's exclamation.

"Mr. Stark!" he gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I came down to check on you, kid," Tony stifled a laugh. "No need to seem so surprised."

"But-but-but..." Peter seemed to be struggling for something to say. "But what if something bad happens? what if the world needs Iron Man!"and your not there,your stuck here with me

"The world can survive without Iron Man for a few hours,i wont be missedmand im not stuck here with you i chose to be here" Tony chuckled.

"Oh." Peter fell back onto his pillows for a moment. "Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Do you wanna know who my favorite superhero is?" Peter asked.

"Sure," Tony nodded. "Who is it?"

"It's-it's..." Peter's eyes closed for a moment, before flying open again. "Spiderman!"

Tony and May couldn't help the laughs that escaped them at that.

"I should think so, kid," Tony laughed. "He is you, after all."

"What?!" Peter gasped. "I'm Spiderman?" He turned to May, looking scandalized. "Why didn't you tell me I was Spiderman?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" May countered, nearly choking on poorly suppressed laughs.

Peter contemplated this for a moment, leaning back. " I didn't want you to worry," he finally decided. "Especially-" he let out a huge yawn, burrowing into his pillow. "Especially because you worry so much already."

"Oh I do, do I?" May asked, looking amused. "What makes you say that?"

Peter hummed. "You hover," he mumbled into his pillow. "'especially after Ben."

Any trace of amusement disappeared from May's face. "Let's not talk about that right now, Pete," she said softly.

"Who's Ben?" Tony asked, looking confusedly from Peter to May.

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