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Peter didn't know how Mjolnir worked. All he wanted was to get his homework. Why would Thor put his hammer on is homework,in the first place he will never know.

Peter is Tony's and Pepper's adopted child,. Civil War never happened, they are still one big mis-functional, happy family. Peter is currently 15 years old, and he is Spider-Man.

"Im back!" Thor's voice echoed throughout the penthouse, (seriously one day he will learn to use an indoor voice)

"Uncle Thor!" Peter leapt up from the table where he was working on his maths homework, and ran over to Thor, giving him a hug. "I've missed you! It's been forever since you last came to visit!"

"I am sorry, son of stark," Thor said sincerely. "i was preoccupied on Asgard; Loki has been rather troublesome ,lately he has been caucing a lot of mischeif and creating illusins (well they dont call him the god of lies and mischeif for no reason do they)."

"You should bring him to visit again," Peter said. "he was fun. I like him."

"No," Tony said, appearing down the stairs. "It may have been fun for you, spider-ling , but we do not need a repeat of the pop tart Incident."

All three present shuddered at the memory (Thor ended up destroying most of the kitchen,when Loki hid his poptarts)

Peter released Thor, dropping back to the ground. Thor moved into the kitchen, dropping Mjolnir onto the table, right on top of Peter's homework. Peter really didn't care right now, though,he had more important things to do then calculus,and beside its uncle thor

"Oh! You know what we should do, while you're here?" Peter asked.

"What?" Thor and Tony asked in unison. Thor sounded eager and curious; Tony, apprehensive.

"Movie night!" Peter exclaimed. He led the adults into the living room. "Where did we leave off last time? 'Attack of the Clones'?"

"Excellent movie, Peter," Tony said, standing up and stretching. "But you should probably get back to your homework now."

Peter groaned, smacking his head against the back of the couch. "but its Calculus,it killing me,what the point of calculus anyway (i studed calculus in secondary school,as i wented to be a software developer,and on career day apparently it was needed,so i spent 2 years studing it,and i hated every minute of it,however when i got a apprenticeship in a ICT company having a degree in calculus wasnt even required)

"I think you'll survive," Tony said, tousling Peter's hair and making the curls wilder than they already were.

"Go on. I'll call Steve down and have him start on dinner."

Peter trudged into the kitchen, as Tony called the team down. Soon, everyone was there, greeting Thor, bothering Steve and Tony about dinner,whiles trying to avoid doing his homework-

"Pete," Tony said, catching Peter trying to edge away with Clint and Thor. "Homework. Now."

Peter sighed, moving over to the table and gathering up a few papers.

"Uncle Thor, is there somewhere else I can put this? It was on my homework," Peter said.

Silence fell over the kitchen as the team turned, seeing Peter standing beside the table, Mjolnir in his hand, holding it out to Thor. Everyone just stared at him for a while, Peter growing noticeably uncomfortable, until Thor accepted the hammer from him slowly.

"How'd you do that?" Clint finally broke the silence.

"Do what?" Peter asked awkwardly.

"Lift the hammer thing," Clint said, as though it were obvious.

Peter looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean? I just... picked it up."

"Wait, wait, wait," Clint said, lifting his hands into the air, stepping forward. "Hold on. Thor, put it back down."

Thor set the hammer on the floor. Clint stepped forward, gripped the hammer in both hands, and pulled as hard as he could. Nothing happened. The hammer didn't even twitch.

"Tony?" Clint asked.

Tony rolled his eyes, but stepped forward and gave the hammer a tug. Nothing.

"Okay, now Peter," Clint said.

Peter gave them all a suspicious look, but walked forward and picked Mjolnir up with ease.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Peter asked slowly. "What's going on?"

"Peter ," Steve said slowly,as if he was talking to kid(which tenchincally he is,but still). "If you're able to lift Thor's hammer, then you're worthy to rule Asgard,well according to thor that is,but noones ever been able to lift it including me."

"What?" Peter looked at the hammer in his hand, before quickly setting it down ,Okay i just go do my homework. In my room. Just... tell me when dinner's ready, I guess..."

Peter trailed off awkwardly, quickly gathering up his homework papers and hurrying down the hall to his room. Thor picked up his hammer, looked at it for a moment, before clapping Tony on the shoulder.

"Well done," he said, before heading back into the living room, leaving the team in a stunned silence. 

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