Hold Up

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Peter thought he was doing pretty well, all things considered. He was getting out of bed every day at a reasonable time, Showering most of them, and at least pretending he was a fully function human being even if he didn't bother getting changed and just stayed in his sweaters, he was at least trying.

He got his class assignments from his teachers through his email and he did his homework, and he even communicated to the other people currently staying in the tower. He told them all about his day or whatever they wanted to talk about.

And when he had nightmares which happened every night, he didn't scream and wake everybody up, Instead, he would bite down on the pillow and hide his face, suffocating himself until he couldn't do it anymore.

When his hands shook, he could usually hide it by shoving them in his pockets all When he was startled by loud noices,he managed to not jump on the ceiling

So what if he couldn't stand the idea of leaving the tower anymore,its not like he neaded to go out,its not like he could just put on the suit and pretend everything was normal,so he just stayed indoors,even when the team tried to get him to go somewhere with them he would refuse.

That morning was no different. He woke at a reasonable hour. Before one anyway. It had been a week, Seven days,168 hours,however you want to say it. When he pulled his shirt off, the place on his shoulder was nearly healed,it was nothing more then a scar now,Bringing a finger up to touch it,he tried not to remember. Tried not to remember the cold press of steel against his forehead, and the screaming and the blood,his Aunt Mays Blood,He didn't want to remember.

No matter what anyone told him, he didn't need to relive it. To think about any of it. So he yanked a new shirt on and didn't let himself think about it.

He headed for the medbay first, skipping breakfast and going straight to the elevator. No one was around, thankfully, so there was no one to push one of steve's stupid high energy bars into his hand and tell him to sit down, To drink some water,To eat,to do something

Instead, he was able to go straight to the medbay, walking down the hallway without being interrupted, and then he stepped into Aunt May's room. Well it wasnt exactly May's room. It was just a patient room. A spare room with anyone that needed medical care. But Peter had tried to make it feel like hers. He'd put a picture of her,ben and himself on the nightstand, and had placed a vase of flowers beside it. The flowers had been changed out a few days ago, replaced with nearly identical fresh ones, and Peter had no idea who had done it,he even brought in her faveote blanket and drape it across the end of the bed

The bandage wrapped around her head was clean and white, and her newly short,partially shaved hair poked out from it. He knew she'd hate it, but he'd get all of his allowance money together to take her to a salon as soon as she woke up. or he'd get someone to come to the tower if she couldn't get out of bed just yet. That would be fine too. Mr. Stark would help him find somebody.

He wanted to get her some of her favorite food, but he knew it was stupid,. It was one of the first things he'd suggested when he'd first seen her, though, his brain seemed to short circuit at the sight of her in that bed,with white crips sheats, When Mr. Stark had helped him into a wheelchair and had wheeled him into her room. They'd given him a plate of bland, mashed foods with jello for dinner, and as he'd stared at his aunt in that hospital bed, he'd started talking, hands shaking where they sat on the arms of the wheelchair, feeling a terrible numbness settle over him.

" I should go. I need to get her some other food because she won't like the mashed potatoes. She's she's really weird about mashed potatoes she always says pototoes are not ment to be mashed and stuff like that. Because..." his voice had broken but he'd tried to keep talking as Mr. Stark had moved to kneel in front of him.

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