PepperMint Oil

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Clint had one of his craziest ideas yet, he had read online that spiders hated the smell of Peppermint, and he wanted to test this theory on Peter and see if it applied to him as well, considering He was part spider, he grabbed the peppermint oil that Wanda had dumped out last week, (as after Clint mentioned it to her, she decided to get rid of all peppermint related things) and poured it inside a spray bottle.

He went into the vents and stated crawling towards the kitchen where he knew Peter would be, it is lunch time, and jumped down directly behind him, without turning around Peter asked him what he wanted .

"How did you know it was me?" Clint asked

"are you forgetting i have spider senses you're the only one that still tries to sneak up on me, even thou it doesn't work, and i heard you crawling threw the vents, and your the only insane person to do that"

Natasha who ad just enetered the kicthen just started snickering,already hearing this conversation more then once

"Oh Okay" Clint said whiles absently spraying the peppermint oil directly where Peter was sitting

"What the heck,Peter cut himself up and started hissing (Imagine a tarantula),and climbed up the wall to the far corner away from the stench,glaring at Clint and Constantly Hissing

"Clint what did you do" Natasha asked

"I was only testing a theory regarding Spiders and Peppermint and see if Peter was like an actual Spider

"So you decided to come in here,whiles were eating mind you and spray peppemint oil all over the place,Peppermint oil is deadly to spiders,it doesnnt matter if Peter is not an actual Spider he has 50% of spiders DNA,you moran,constantly smaking him over the head"

Time Skip Brought to you by Tony

"Kid what are you doing on the ceiling"Tony asked peter,who still hadnt move from his spot

"Clint sprayed Peppermint oil" Natasha Said

"Clint,im taking away all your fancy arrows for a week"

all you could here was the small sound of Noooooo,i didnt mean to 

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