Im Not A Kid Okay

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Peter Parker also known as Spiderman, was getting sick and tired of being treated like a little kid, okay i know im only 16 but im not a kid anymore im a young adult by Captain Righteous, oh im sorry i ment Captain America, every time there was a mission and it involved the team i was always pushed aside saying i wasn't needed, what was the point of me being even included in the avenger's initiative when i never feel apart of it, everybody would always argue about me saying i was a kid especially Captain America and didn't need to be involved and should stuck to the small stuff,the only members of the team that believed in me was Tony Stark,as he seen what im capable of,when he first met me i wasn't much, i had no training and was going around in an onesie, after he made me a suit and get me martial art lessons as Peter Parker and not spiderman, so i could learn how to defend myself and throw a proper punch, and then there was Natasha,she helped me with my stance and stealth and was even teaching me some ballet, okay at first i was skeptical ballet, how would that help me but after a while my balance improved, my muscle man in my arms and legs increase and i could swing a lot better and always landed perfectly, and then there was Clint, he wasn't to bothered he admitted he was nervous when he saw me fighting but that was mainly the dad in him,and Bruce just said he was very proud that i was using my ablities for good,everybody else just turned there eyes up at me always smirking always calling me spiderbaby,i hated them so much sometimes,i know hate is a strong word,but i was a superhero i helped people.

So here Peter was stuck in the compund on his own,he wouldnt of been too bovered but this was the week tony and me was going to work in the lab on products and generally gross out on pizza and watch movies,whiles May was on a all expense paid medical convention, he was so bored,he wanted to be out there helping them,its not like he couldnt handle it,it was only some weird ass hybris,okkay they apperead to gave had some suped up creepy powers,and he had what looks like tenetacles coming out of there body,but he fought a lot meaner goes then this,so he settled down to watch the news footage of the fight,but he was to jittery he couldnt sit still not when his father figure and his aunt tasha was out there,and jurdging by the news footage,Tony Stark wasnt doing to well,he was constantly being thrown around and he seemed alone,he could see aunt tasha with clint by her side,so he wasnt all that concerned but why was Tony on his own,come on it even was showing captain america fighting alongside ,sam aka falcon aka duchebag,and thor was even with wanda,and the hulk,well the hulk did hes own thing,so he ignored what captain righteous told him,grabbed his suit and left,he didnt care what anyone told him,he was going to show him what he was truly capable of

Meanwhile with the avenegers

"I know!" Tony snapped, firing another shot at the tentacle-human hybrid thing that'd just appeared out of nowhere and grown to the size of a skyscraper. Must be a a Monday. He flew overhead and fired again. No effect. Sweat was coating his brow and pouring down his back, and despite the AC within the suit he was boiling,and he was aching all over,he just wished this was over,so he could get back to the compiund and have a father-son bonding with Peter

"SHIELD's got a sample of this thing and should have something by now. Get me the chemical compound so we know how to blow it up!"

"Aye, boss."

"Tony, are you all right?" Steve asked over the public channel. "Your flying is erratic."

Tony muttered a curse, narrowly dodging a swinging tentacle that took a chunk of the nearby building. "Kinda busy here."

Steve didn't say anything else, but Tony would've sworn that Captain was giving him odd looks.

Well, whatever. Tony had shit to do, all of the other Avengers minus Spiderman of cource,why couldnt steve just get of his high horse,and let spiderman join us,wasnt that the reason he was asked to join the avenegers in the firstplace ,we out here trying to kill these ugly hybrid mother-fuckers or at least keep them from caucing to much descrution,Why was it always New York? Wasn't it Seattle's turn? Or Miami's? Or...

"Tony!""Man of Iron"Dad" various voices called out in the distance

Too late. The tentacle slammed into him, sending him straight through the building. His equilibrium was shot to hell, he was crashing through glass and steel, then falling...

"Got him!"

He wasn't falling. He was swinging. The end of a web was attached to his breastplate, and he was swung around the block and gently lowered to the ground. Spider-Man leaned over him, tapping the forehead of his helmet.

"Mr Stark?"

He frowned, blinking the grit from his eyes as he tried to focus. Peter sounded scared.

Tony cleared his throat and groaned. Shit, that hurt. "Still breathing."and i thought it was Dad,i could of sworn i hard you call me dad"

Peter gave a gusty sigh and dropped his head. "Thank God," he muttered, quietly enough that he probably thought no one had heard him. "Are you hurt? Can you move?"

"I'm fine," Tony ground out. He tried to sit up, and his stomach lurched. He didn't vomit (that was extremely unpleasant in the suit), but he did crash back to the ground and tried to ride out the wave of dizziness.

"...has a concussion," Peter was saying. He sounded scared again.

By now, Tony was willing to admit to himself that he was feeling 100%. But he couldn't string the words together.

"Get him out of here, Spider-Man,and you and me are going to have words when this is over ",Steve said

Peter huffed and gave Captain Righteous the good old 2 fingers salute and started pulling Tony to his feet. "Come on. Let's get you to compound,im taking you to medical."

"Mrgh." Tony finally found his voice. "No medical,i just want to sleep"

Peter hesitated, then nodded. "Okay."

"Seriously,come on Mr Stark help me out a little" He grabbed Tony as he swayed after getting out of the armor and hauled him down the hall to the penthouse. "FRIDAY, what are his vitals"

"Boss appears to be suffering from severe dizziness, dehydration, and nausea,all common with a concussion,he also has many cuts and bruces and appears to have torn his ligmanet in his right leg"

Peter swore and yanked his mask off. "Dammit, Mr Stark, you really need to learn to be more carefull,when your out there fighting ."

Tony snorted, letting himself be pulled into the elevator. "like your one to talk."


"Last week. Twisted wrist. 'I'm fine.'"

"Yeah,but thats diffrent, I have super-healing and I twisted that wrist during school when i accidently slammed my locker on it,." The elevator doors pinged open. Peter pushed and prodded Tony down the hall to the bedroom, helped Tony get out of his sweat-drenched clothes, and tucked him in.before leaving to join the rest of the avenegers who had turned up and was waiting in the living room,Peter couldnt even be bovered with any of them,so he went to the fridge grabbed some water and turned on the TV

"I thought you were supposed to be in bed."

Tony looked up.Steve was standing over him with her arms crossed, five feet and nine inches of sheer annoyance

"ya well,i woke up,im fine and decided to join Peter with watcing a movie after all it is our week togther,now if you excuse me"

Captain America had a few words to say to Peter,But Peter didnt care he did what he had to do,everybody was to busy fighting the tentacle dudes,and wouldnt of got to Tony in time,if peter wasnt there to catch him,he would of plummeted 50 ft to the groud,so he wasnt sorry,Peter was so sick and tired of Captain America thinking he could tell him what to do then remprrimand him when he did things he wouldnt like,so enough was enough,Peter webbed Steve mouth shut and punched him in the face breaking his nose in the process and walked of,he no longer cared anymore

Tony hadn't realized how tense Steve was around Peter ,everytime Peter walked in Steve would go quiet and go somewhere else until he began to relax after the first week. Tony didn't understand why until he got Friday to show him video footage of that day,and when he saw what Peter did,he couldnt of been more proud,he doubted Steve would question his ablities again

"When Tony commanted on the punch to Peter during the day in his lab,Peter didnt now what to say,he only wished he had done it sooner,as no longer was he treated like a little kid any more and he was alound to tag on more missions," 

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