01: Death News

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"Looks like god is getting bored up there and he wants Michael Jackson to entertain him."

* * *

2009, June 25th
(The present)

If someone would ask me to describe my self in one word, I would definitely say this word without second thought: Lucky.

Not the I-always-win-the-lottery type of lucky, though. I call myself lucky because I am now actually living my second life. I was seven when I almost died. Oh, wait--I literally died and I just like 'miraculously' came back to life. I don't know how many times my mom had told me about that incident she calls 'a miracle from above' so even though I couldn't remember a thing about that day, I have memorized all the details. I was hit by a car and pronounced Dead On Arrival at the hospital. It was when I was being taken to the morgue when I came back. Kinda creepy, if you'd ask me. All of them, even the doctors, were shocked when despite the fatal crack on my skull and being dead for about twenty minutes, I opened my eyes and was just like, "surprise, I'm still fucking alive!"

"It was unexplainable," my mom would say. "The wound in your head was fatal and your skull was damaged, it was impossible for you to survive."

But then, I did.

So here I am, living my second life and still existing after all those years. The then seven-year-old miracle kid with a damaged skull had grown into a young woman, and just turned twenty-four today.

Hell yeah. It's my fucking birthday.

"Happy birthday, Angel!"

I woke up at the sound of popping confetti and screams. I sat up from bed, face frowning as I scratched my eyes. It took me a moment to realize that it was 11:00 am and my friends were inside my room, singing me happy birthday with these colorful party hats on their heads and a huge round cake with lighted candles.

Yes, it was 11:00 am and I just woke up. That's me for you.

I stopped and stared at them, unblinking. My still sleepy ass didn't know what to react.

"Hey, get up!" One of my friends, Tina, said, motioning me to get up. Confettis had clung to her clothes and she was wearing a Hello Kitty party hat. "It's your birthday! C'mon, blow your candles!"

I groaned and grinnned. My friends and I have this tradition to surprise whoever's having a birthday and while I knew they were going to do this, I was still shocked. I mean, I just fucking woke up.

"You guys really don't fail, do you?" I said, grinning. I look like a crap in the morning but who cares. The four of them stood by the edge of my bed and Arki was holding the candle-filled chocolate cake in his hands. They started chanting, 'blow! blow! blow!' so I stood up and blew the candles on the cake.

The entire room was filled with their cheers and another confetti popped again, spreading in my bed. I rolled my eyes. I mean, what the fuck? Now I have to clean all this shit afterwards.

"Say something!" Arki said. "How does it feel to be twenty-four, huh?"

I laughed. "I don't feel twenty-four," I said. "I'm forever eighteen, you know."

"No, twenty-four!" Alex said, laughing.

"Our bitch just turned twenty-four! Yuhoo!" Sam screamed, waving her hands in the air.

I smiled. Crackheads. These people are one of the reasons why I'm thankful that the universe gave a me a second chance to live. If I had died when I was seven and never came back, I wouldn't have met these idots.

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