03: Grams

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"Oh, believe me, gal. Everything about you has something to do with Michael Jackson."

* * *

The first time that I've ever been in a police station was when I was eleven.

I didn't know what had gone to my dad's mind that time but he decided to drive at full speed in the middle of the night, drunk as fuck and he ended up being arrested. My mom and I came to the police station, and I remember myself being in awe as I stare at the uniformed officers walking back and forth in front of my innocent eyes. That was when I started dreaming of becoming a police officer one day. But life was full of surprises and twists, so instead of becoming an officer, I ended up becoming the one who often gets arrested.

I was sitting on one of the waiting chairs inside the station, my head aching and my stomach spinning. My elbows were on my knees as I massage my temples, the influence of alcohol was still in my system. Tina was beside me, slouched on her chair and snoring while Arki and Sam was with Alex, talking with a police officer. The blonde woman--whose nose was still bleeding--was also here together with her friends.

"That bitch started it!" I heard Alex's drunk voice. "I didn't--I was just tryna correct her for saying that Mike was a child molester--"

"Who's Mike?" The police asked.

"Michael Jackson, of course! What the fuck officer, are you telling me that you don't know Michael Jackson?!"

I laughed silently at what I was hearing. Drunk Alex was one of the best things in the world, trust me.

My stomach kept on spinning and I felt something coming out of my mouth so I stood up, my knees wriggling. I tried opening my eyes as wide as I could and I reached for Tina's shoulder and gently shook it.

"Hey, I'm going out," I said in a low drunk voice. Tina just groaned but didn't wake up.

I sighed and I turned to the direction where the rest of my friends were. They were still talking with the police officer and I shouted, "hey, I'm going out!"

Arki looked at me. "Nope, you're not going out. Sit your drunk ass down, Angel."

But my stomach kept spinning and I felt like having trouble catching my own breath. "Puke," I uttered, holding my stomach. "I need to puke. And air."

Arki sighed. "Okay, but stay close. Imma follow you later."

I went out of the police station, bumping into one of the officers. I said sorry and then I rushed outside going the side of the station, and vomited everything that's inside my stomach on the grass.

My stomach was curling like crazy and it was like I was vomiting the energy left in me. Fuck. I don't know why I still love being drunk despite the alcohol kept giving me this shitty feeling afterwards.

I took a deep breath. My head was spinning. "Ah, shit."

I leaned myself to the wall and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. Few meters away from the police station was a park and I decided to go there to allow myself to relax and inhale some fresh evening air. I reached for my pocket and took out a cigarette but I groaned when I couldn't find a lighter.

"Fuck." I sighed in frustration. I sat on one of the benches there, the cigarette still between my lips. How the hell was I gonna get a fucking lighter?

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