tea party with the other twin

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[ Y/N's POV ]

I turned into a human version of myself and went to Nene's classroom. "AAAA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE OF YOUR BOUN- I MEAN WHATEVER-" she yelled at me. A few people turned their heads and looked at me. 'god damnit nene. now everyone knows im not someone they'd see everyday.' "Hey nene, who's this?" One person asked, and that turned into many more people. i just ended up sneaking past them into the classroom and took a seat without a name. Everyone noticed I was gone and sat down as well. I saw people steal glances and nene was not having it. Right after last class, we stormed out before people could notice I was gone. We made it to Hanako's boundary and told him everything. "wellllllll no.8, it is kind of on you." he said quickly. i glared at him and went back to my human form. i walked outside the campus and stared at everything in awe. the sunset was beautiful. I went back to my boundary still in my human form and felt something in my pocket buzz. I saw I had a phone and someone had set up a groupchat. (shut up they have phones in this story)

Today, 4:32pm


Hey! wazzup?

just wondering where you are lol

boundary. why?


oh hey nene! you asked hanako huh? well, i don't really wanna see anyone right now. i apologize</3

is everything okay?

huh? yeah, why?

[name], dms. please.

oh,, alright!

{Hanako🤧 and [name] left the chat.}

(y/n's pov)

You went to dms with Hanako and you talked about how if you're really okay and how he was worried. You smiled softly at your phone and then heard another ding from your phone. It was from a unknown number.

Today, 5:20pm
Hey. You may not know me, but my name is Sakura Nanamine. I'm a third year. Sorry for the random text, but please meet me in the Rec room when you can. 3pm tomorrow.

Ah alright! Nice to meet you Sakura:]
I'll be there!

Alright. Cya in a bit. :)

Alright! Cya :]
{Seen 5:35pm}

That was the end of my conversation with Sakura. I wondered what she wanted to talk about and thought about it all night. I watched some of [ favorite show ] and then drifted off to sleep.

[Time skip brought to you by Y/N stealing Hanako's donuts]
i made it to the rec room and knocked a couple times. I felt my vision go black for only a minute, then I woke up in a.. black outfit? I dusted myself off and looked around to see what could only be a boundary. 'oh shit.' thats all I thought before I turned and saw a tall male with a cat-like expression. he noticed I woke up and we stared at eachother for a minute before I spoke up. "who're you?" i said calmly. "natsuhiko. 3rd year. who're you cutie?" he said smiling at me. a light pink dusted across my face. "uh, [ name ]. im an apparition." i said bluntly. i saw a gorgeous girl walk in with a clingy ghost that looked exactly like Hanako. it was tsukasa, Hanako's younger twin. "ah, youre awake. im sorry they treated you so harshly, i told those idiots to bring you here awake. my name is Sakura." she said holding out her hand with saddened eyes. i took it and shook her hand. i felt someone put their hands on my shoulders and stare daggers into the back of my head. I looked back ever so slightly to be tackled by tsukasa. "OH WOW! YOU'RE ACTUALLY A APPARITION HERE???" He said excitedly while still tackling me. "Ah- yeah- can you please get off my now tsu?" I said almost becoming dizzy. he helped me up and we talked with Sakura for a bit while eating snacks and drinking tea.

[ Tsukasa's POV ]

this has been so fun with them here! I saw them turn pale so I floated next to them and hugged them gently. "h-huh?" They said surprised. "Whatcha looking for?" I said as they kept looking for something. "I-I'm sorry.. But where is my phone..?" They said nervously. "Oh! I have it for now! Sorry about that! We just want to talk to you without any distractions!" I said smiling. She took a deep breath then finally took a seat. "What is Hanako like most of the time for you?" Sakura said sipping her coffee.[ name ] sighed. "where do I start. hes loud, eccentric, but also friendly in his own way I suppose." They said. "Are you dating Amane Y/n-sannn?" I said curiously said. "No- Why do you ask Tsukasa-Kun?" They said calmly. "Just wondering.~" I said. They then got up and walked over to me. "Can I please borrow my phone? I need to tell my- my friend about something." They asked me nervously. hmmm? why were they so nervous all of a sudden? whatever, ill know if they're lying. i handed them their phone and they typed something hurriedly. they handed it back and I looked at them confused. 'why did they give it back?' I handed it back to them and finally said "you can have it, just come see me silly!" i said smiling at them. "huh? oh yeah of course tsukasa." they smiled at me. after a couple more minutes, they left. i couldn't help but think about them. damn, i already miss them!

(A/N) OML I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE- I just have a hella lot of school work and uh im lazy and completely forgot about this fanfic so here's a cliffhanger of a non-canon turn of events! >:D (Word count- 1113) (edit- sorry about the text thing it looked better in edit than the actual story lol. i hope you still enjoyed!) [ update on an update- REDID THE WHOLE THING AUSNOWIDKWKDO ]

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