A Visit to the Godparents

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"Percy!" called a rather old, excited ginger man.

"What is it, Newt?" replied a slightly older man, making his way to the door.

Newt grinned, "Look who decided to visit!"

Sure enough, as Percival got closer he realised the reason for his husband's joy. Ignoring Newton's scolding to wear his glasses, Percival bypassed his husband to offer their guest a hug.

"Hi, Uncle Percy," the girl mumbled into his shoulder, smiling. Even after all these years, she hadn't managed to overstay her welcome.

Eventually the two pulled apart, ignoring Newt's cooing from the doorway. Percival led the girl inside, rolling his eyes at Newt's excitement. Percival's husband had been quite distraught when Credence officially moved out of their home, so he had snatched up this opportunity right away. Without even consulting Percival, much to his secret amusement and outward exasperation. It seemed Newt was still hanging on to this child, however - even if she had left their abode months ago. Of course, while Credence still visited, he now had his own life. Their current guest was still developing hers.

"So, how are you, Annaliese?" Percival asked, taking a seat in the kitchen across from his goddaughter-in-law. Newt was cheerfully humming as he put the kettle on, murmuring about inviting his brother and Credence over.

Surprisingly, Theseus Scamander was the one who had never settled down. Once he discovered Leta Lestrange was indeed a player like his brother Newt had previously realised, he was distraught. Decades later, he was still sworn off serious relationships. The Scamanders and Percival didn't see their other old friends, the Goldsteins as much as they use to. They were still close, of course, but with Queenie living in the muggle world with Jacob - which, Queenie was a Kowalski now, actually - it was more difficult to visit her. Tina was still reeling over her sister's betrayal during the brief period she assisted Grindelwald, and was somehow still smitten with Newton. Therefore, everyone saw Tina less - more by choice than her sister's distance. As for Seraphina Picquery, Percival still saw her rather often, though she wasn't as close with Newton as they would like. Percival's husband was always busy in his prime, and there just weren't as many openings to talk as there use to be. Credence, meanwhile, had travelled for a while. After chatting with Grindelwald, Credence's true lineage was revealed. His actual father was Aberforth Dumbledore, making Credence the bastard son of Albus' brother.

Aberforth was rather odd and standoffish, so Credence never developed a close relationship with him. However, he was provided some closure by the whole situation. And, he had Newt, and by extension Percival. Credence proved to be quite studious, and Newt claimed he would've been a definite Ravenclaw. Eventually, Credence had settled down. He had been on a quest of sorts, searching for an old friend and flame. He did eventually find her, but she was indefinitely trapped. So, Credence did what he loved to do - he read. He searched for years how to save Nagini, the Maledictus turned large snake that now lived with him. His previous first friend, and later girlfriend. Nagini was free to come and go as she pleased, though she always returned to Credence, who was unsure how much she remembered. Credence was still invested in helping Nagini, though he was less obsessed with the quest nowadays.

At first Credence had been rather reluctant to meet Annaliese; his apparent cousin who his adoptive parents had taken in for safety precautions. He was conflicted. The girl had at least one loving parent, why did she want his as well? Credence had matured a long ways by the time Annaliese came into his parents' lives, and his by extension, but he still had a strong fear of abandonment. After being reassured that Newt and Percival still adored him, he reluctantly befriended Annaliese. Eventually, the two became good friends themselves, and Credence now tended to look forward to seeing his cousin.

It took Annaliese a few moments to reply to Percival's question. She was well, surprisingly very much so. But she was worried. Worried about her dad, with claims of the weight of the world on his shoulders; her father, becoming ill in prison; the war, still raging on as Voldemort made his return. Maybe it was horribly optimistic, hoping everyone would outlive the war, considering all of Annaliese's loved ones were elderly already, but she still held onto that hope. Thus, the war was even more daunting to her than it would be to others. Her parents were big figureheads in the war. She knew that Voldemort would go to her father eventually, having questions about the Deathly Hallows and what they entail. It wasn't unlikely that her godparents and their other family would join in the war efforts if things began to worsen, and everyone was already so old... Annaliese smiled up at her older godfather.

"I've been good."

Annaliese DouvonWhere stories live. Discover now