Mentions of Hogwarts

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"Good, that's good," Percival replied, smiling kindly back at his goddaughter. Even now, it was rare to get a genuine smile out of Percival Graves. Typically, only his family received the right. This included Annaliese, much to her relief, as Percival could be rather intimidating.

As Newt circled the table, setting teacups down in front of Annaliese and Percival, he spotted a flash of concern in his husband's eye. Newt briefly turned away, grimacing. It was times like these that the couple wished they could use Occlumency on their goddaughter. It was a breach of trust, the men knew. But they just wanted to keep Annaliese safe and happy, as her own parents did. Unfortunately, Annaliese had received the gift of natural Occlumency from her father. While both Albus and Gellert were skilled in the magical arts of mind manipulation, Gellert was truly blessed to have had such a gift as Occlumency at birth. Annaliese had also eventually learned Legilmency. Though not a natural, it came as easy to her as it did to her skilled parents.

Likewise, Percival and Newt had eventually learned the most vital of magical mind arts. Between fear during Grindelwald's reign and sporadic comments from Queenie, they had deemed it a necessity - and also, perhaps a way to avoid further embarrassment around their eccentric friend.

"How's Hogwarts?" Newt questioned, joining his husband and goddaughter at their small dining table.

"She's good," Annaliese answered. "Minnie and I have been helping dad strengthen the wards."

It was a well-known fact that Hogwarts was sentiment. Her usually welcoming and calm aura only furthered the claim.

Percival shook his head fondly. "I still can't believe she lets you call her that," he jested, referring to Minerva.

Percival had met the rather severe woman around when he began courting Newt. He held a vast amount of respect for the witch, but he had yet to see her in an environment free of rambunctious children.

Annaliese laughed, "I can't believe you still haven't been granted the pleasure."

Newt smiled, amused at their antics. "How is your godmother, anyway?"

"Minnie," Annaliese shot an amused look at Percival, "is also doing well. She says she already feels less stressed since I've taken over the transfiguration position."

Neither of the men were confused by her words. Teaching at Hogwarts was no joke, Newt knew. Percival also had an idea, but he knew more from personal experience. Even during designated off-time one could be extremely busy.

"Are any of the other professors there yet?" Newt asked, finishing his tea.

Annaliese shook her head, humming a negative. "Fillius and Pomona are due within a few days, as is Potions Master Snape, who I've yet to meet."

It was sort of funny, Newt thought, that Snape somehow managed to evade Annaliese every summer. The girl had known all of the other professors for years now.

Annaliese continued. "The other professors are returning the week before the term begins. Hagrid is around, of course, but like dad, I don't think he ever leaves," she joked. Standing, Annaliese took her empty cup to the sink, picking up her godfathers' along the way.

Albus did indeed have a house, though it was rarely frequented. It was more Gellert's than his, even decades later, and Albus still wasn't fond of being there without his other half or their daughter.

"Speaking of leaving..." Percival mused, "any news on your father?"

Annaliese frowned, looking out of the window behind her godparents. "No," she sighed, "nothing yet."

Newt's face mirrored Annaliese's, and Percival moved to stand beside his goddaughter, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Newt and Percival weren't too concerned over Grindelwald, but they knew that Annaliese was. The young woman and her dad had been trying for years to have Gellert's sentence changed, so the German wizard was placed under at least house arrest. Annaliese didn't talk about it much, but her godfathers knew that she was worried for her father. As more time passed, they worried for Voldemort's inevitable return. The Scamanders, like Albus, knew that Voldemort's reign was far from over. Meanwhile, Grindelwald was wasting away in prison, and most close to his family knew that when Voldemort did return, the Dark Lord would wish to speak to the man who had formerly held his title.

"I'm sure they'll come around eventually," Newt tried, lowering his eyes at Annaliese's emotional look.

Annaliese nodded, unconvinced. Percival pulled the two into a hug, looking over their back gardens. The three stayed by the sink for a few minutes before gravitating toward the sitting room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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