George Weasley / Sacrifice

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~• Angst •~


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" Potter you are underaged , that means you still have the trace on ya." Moody said to the group.
" What's the trace?" Harry asked.
" If you sneeze , the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. The point is, we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect. Brooms , thestrals and the like. We go in parts " Moody explained.
" That way , if anyone's out there waiting for us , and I reckon there will be , they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one." He continued.
Harry was very confused , but the minute Moody pulled out a bottle of Polyjuice Potion , he understood. But he didn't like it one bit.
" No , absolutely not! " Harry protested.
" I told you he would take it well." Hermione said from next to Y/n.
" Harry-" The y/h/c started but got cut off by Potter.
" No , if you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me."
" Never done that before , have I ? " Ron said with a playful smile.
" No! No , this is different. Taking that , becoming me, no! " Harry argued back.
" Yeah none of us really fancy it mate. " Fred joked.
" Harry , come on , we helped you all these years , you know we would do anything and everyone agreed , it's not like we are gonna listen to you. You should know that by now." Y/n said while moving next to her boyfriend who slang his arm around her shoulder .
During y/n's mini speech , Hermione went behind Harry and tore out some of his hair to add to the potion causing him to let out a whine.
" You alright , Love?" George asked y/n who was leaning into his side , her arms around his waist and her head onto his shoulder.
" Yeah , i'm just praying that this will work without anyone getting hurt." She sighed.
" It's going to be okay Princess , I promise. "
" I love you Georgie. " She whispered so only he could hear.
" I love you so much more." He answered before pulling her into a kiss. Moody finished the potion and everyone took their turn to drink it.
After two minutes , the room was filled with Harry's .
Moody tossed a bag with clothes on the floor and everyone started to dress themselves.
Everyone was assigned a partner to look out for them.

Harry was with Hagrid , Y/n with Tonks , Arthur was with Fred , Fleur was with Bill , the rest rode on their brooms. Moody counted down and everyone took off into the air.
" You ready? " Tonks asked y/n.
" Let's do this."

The first few minutes , everything went fine. The Death-Eaters were fooled but they knew what was going on. Nymphadora was trying her best to guide herself and Y/n through the spells but it was hard . Suddenly out of nowhere Bellatrix appeared next to the duo , Y/n had already turned into herself again and strongly hold onto her wand. Bellatrix was about to kill Tonks when y/n pushed her and jumped in front . The green spell hit her chest and all life left her body. Nyphadora screamed and held y/n's lifeless body while tears streamed down her face . Bellatrix let out a laugh before disappearing again. Everyone had already arrived at The Burrow when Tonks shakily got off her broom , Y/n's body still in her hands . Unable to get over the trauma she just experienced , the older girl fell to her knees , sobbing her heart out. Molly was the first one to hear the sound of her cries , he ran outside and when her eyes met Y/n's body , she let out a scream causing the rest of the group to follow . Fred's eyes scanned the grounds before his eyes met Tonks' green ones. After that he saw y/n's body , he didn't waste a minute to run to the body , tears staining his cheeks.
" No , no , no , please." He whimpered as he desperately searched for a heartbeat . He didn't find one . His best friend was lying before his eyes , lifeless. Remus was already hugging Tonks. " She saved me. It was meant to be me , but she saved me." The girl sobbed into her boyfriend's chest.
" Who was it." Hermione croaked out.
" B-Bellatrix. "
" How are we going to tell George ? He is passed out for now. " Ron said while hugging Hermione who was also crying her eyes out.
" This is going to break him ." Fred sobbed.
" He was going to marry her. " Molly sniffed.
" They were perfect. " Arthur added.
" She died a hero. " Bill said , tears in his eyes , even though he didn't really know y/n that well , she made his brother happy . She was a part of the Weasley family.
Everyone went silent , the only sound that could be heard was sobbing.
" We have to give her a proper funeral , we owe her that. I owe her that." Nymphadora said , breaking the silence.
" We will . " Molly answered.

Remus took the body inside and laid her onto her formal bed , away from everyone , a blanket covering her body. Everyone gathered around in the kitchen , trying to figure out a way to tell George that y/n didn't make it.

The next morning everyone woke up in the living room . They all fell asleep together after the horrible events from yesterday. Fred , Ron , Harry and Hermione were sitting at the coffe table , poking at their food when suddenly George started to wake up.
He let out a loud groan before stretching his arm , the bandage around his ear covered in blood. Molly was quickly by his side to renew his bandage.
" Mom , where's Y/n? I haven't seen her yet ." George said with a small smile. Molly tensed up and looked at her kids for help. Hermione's tired eyes filled with tears for a second time.
" Hermione what's wrong? " George asked the minute he noticed the tears.
Something inside his brain clicked when nobody answered his question from before.
" She didn't make it Georgie , I'm so sorry ." Fred said in the softest way possible , terrified to break his brother even more.
" No ,no , no , no she can't be. "
" We are so sorry George." Bill said from the kitchen .
" Where is she? " The redhead said sternly.
" Upstairs but-"
" Take me to her."
" George I dont think thats a good idea-"
" Take me to her !" He said louder.
" Look I know this is hard for you but I don't think seeing her is a good idea." Arthur said while joining his wife next to his son.
Tears fell from George's eyes at an inhuman pace . He couldn't stop himself from sobbing.
" Please , I wanna see her. Let me see her." He pleaded , clinging onto his mother.
" Okay. " Molly whispered and helped him stand up .
Fred took him upstairs to her room and sat next to George before pulling the blanket down.
George let out a sob at the sight infront of him.
The eyes he once fell inlove with were now closed , her lips which he kissed a lot of times were a light blue color. Her y/s/c skin now paler then snow. But she looked peaceful .
George took her hand which was neatly folded onto her chest . Her skin colder then ice touched his warm skin.
" I'm so sorry Y/n , I promised to keep you safe and I failed."
" She saved Tonks , Georgie. She sacrificed herself for her."

George smiled at this.
" That's my girl. "

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