Fred Weasley / Christmas

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"Are you ready?" Fred asked his girlfriend before opening the door to his house.

"Ready as I'll ever be, my love." She replied before stepping into The Burrow.

"Y/n!" George yelled and picked her up from the ground in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Georgie." She giggled before she carefully planted her feet back on the ground.

"Y/n my dear it's so good to see you!" Molly said happily when the trio entered the living room. "You to ms.Weasley." Y/n answered politely.

"Oh nonsense, you know you can call me Molly." She said while also hugging the girl and then her son.

"Ronald! Ginny! We have company." Molly yelled in her stern voice causing the rest to flinch.

"I don't think I'll everget used to her volume." Y/n whispered to Fred causing him to let out a laugh.

"Y/n!" The mix of a male and a female voice shouting her name caused Y/n to look up and before she could react 2 pairs of arms flew around her. Like you could tell The Weasley's loved Y/n and she loved them. They were the family she always wanted.

"Hey." Y/n chuckled as Ron let go of her but Ginny didn't. It was Ginny's second year at Hogwarts and y/n always looked out for her.

"Ginny, let go of my girlfriend." Fred chuckled but the youngest Weasley firmly kept her grip and shook her head. Y/n slightly moved her so Ginny was now side hugging the older girl.

"It's okay Freddie, I love her hugs."

" Ron , is Harry staying over this year?" The y/h/c asked.

"Yeah he will arrive later tonight."

"Guys, Food is ready!" Molly yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll race you." Fred said before running to the table.

"Hey no fair Weasley!" Y/n yelled while running to the table and reaching it just after Fred went to sit down. "Ha, I won." Fred taunted.

" You are such a cheater." Y/n fake pouted before sitting down next to Fred and Ginny.

"Awh, is little y/n mad?" Fred said in a baby voice .

"I'll hex you Weasley." Y/n chuckled before Fred planted a kiss on her cheek.

During the rest of lunch the kids talked about school , quidditch and the holidays. The sight of her children smiling made Molly happy, y/n made her children happy and she knew Fred was head over heels for her.

Later that evening Harry arrived at The Burrow and all the kids were in the living room playing some board games. The Weasley tournament, a Christmas tradition between two teams. The first team included Fred, Harry and Ginny while the second team consisted of Y/n , Ron and George. It was a competitive fight but everyone loved it.

Y/n made a cute face to Fred making him forget his answer causing the second team to win.

"Yes!" Ron shouted while high fiving the other teammates.

"Hey no fair, you made him forget his answer!" Harry shouted.

"It's not her fault Fred swoons over her." George laughed.

"Good game." Everyone shook hands as a sign of respect.

The rest of the night consisted of the kids laughing and telling each other stories.

It was finally Christmas and everyone was beyond excited , especially Ron.

"It's Christmas!" He yelled, causing everyone in the house to wake up.

"Goodmorning my love." Y/n said while tracing his jaw with her index finger.

"Morning Darling." He said in his low morning voice.

"Merry Christmas." She whispered.

"Merry Christmas." He whispered back before kissing her softly.

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