Cedric Diggory / The day we met

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" I'm so happy you're coming with us! " Hermione said.

" Well , I couldn't reject going to the most epic Quidditch game with my favorite people now , could ?" Y/n chuckled while Hermione gave her a side hug.

" Yeah , it wouldn't be the same without you." The twins said in unison.

" Okay , okay , I'm already here , no need to kiss ass this much guys." Y/n said causing the rest to chuckle.

" Dad where are we going ?" Ron asked for Harry.

" Haven't the foggiest. Keep up" Arthur yelled back.

The group walked a little further until an older man came into view.

"Arthur! It's about time son." He exclaimed happily.

" Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr.Weasley said while slightly nodding his head towards Ron while he yawned. Y/n giggled and ruffled his hair to which he fake pouted.

" Don't be such a baby Ronald." Y/n chuckled and made her way to the twins.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the ministry." Arthur introduced the man when suddenly a boy jumped out of the tree causing George to jump a little.

"Nice one Weasley." Y/n whispered.

"Shut it Y/l/n." He quickly replied with a playful smile.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur asked the boy.

"Yes,sir." He answered politely while shaking his hand. Arthur quickly introduced the group to the Diggorys and they started walking again.

Ginny , Hermione and Y/n all exchanged the same look.

"He's hot." Ginny mouthed.

"I know right." Hermione and y/n mouthed back.

Cedric joined the other teens. He was now walking next to Y/n and Ginny.

"I didn't catch your name." Cedric said rather shyly.

" Y/n , y/n y/l/n." She said while expanding her hand for a shake.

" Cedric Diggory." He said while shaking her hand.

" Nice to meet you."


" You go to Hogwarts too? I've never seen you before." Y/n said.

" I haven't seen you either. I'm glad I did now though." He mumbled the last part but it was loud enough for y/n to hear.

The group soon arrived at an old boot, known as a Portkey.

They formed a circle , holding onto the shoe before they got transported into the air. Hermione and Ginny let out a loud scream before Arthur yelled : "Let go kids." and so they did. Everyone except Arthur, Amos and Cedric landed onto the ground with a loud thud. They all groaned in response. The three others gracefully landed before Cedric extended his hand to y/n.

She pulled herself up and mumbled a quick thanks to Cedric who just chuckled in response.

"You okay?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah , I'm fine." She smiled back.

The group silently walked to the camping place where multiple tents were set up. People were yelling and ambiance filled the air. It was an amazing site to look at.



"That's so cool."

Everyone was impressed and stunned to say the least.

That was the first time y/n met Cedric. She remembered that like it was yesterday.

And here she was , walking down the aisle , ready to marry the love of her life.

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