Oliver Wood / Quidditch

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"The only thing I want you to worry about is this, the golden snitch." Oliver explained while Harry took the little golden ball out of his hand.
"I like this ball." Harry answered with a smile.
"Yeah , you like it now , just wait. It's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see." Oliver explained. He explained to Harry what his job was.
"Wood!" a girl's voice yelled from behind the duo.
"Y/n?" Harry said in surprise.
"Harry? You are the new Gryffindor seeker?"
"You are a wizard too?" Harry asked in disbelief, looking into the eyes of his neighbor and best friend in the muggle world. Y/n lived next door and when Harry felt bad he always talked to her. When he needed an escape, y/n was always there for him, the only presents he had ever gotten were from her. She was like the sister he never had.
"Yep, you never wondered why I was only there for Christmas the last couple years?"
"Wow." Harry said in realization .
" Anyway Wood, McGonagal asked for you." Y/n said while giving him a warm smile.
"Thanks y/l/n , see you tomorrow."
"So Harry how have you been?" Harry and y/n catched up before returning to their common rooms.

It was the day of Harry's first Quidditch game and he was very nervous.
"Hey Potter !" Y/n yelled as she entered the Great Hall, causing the boy to look up.
"Goodmorning y/n." He smiled at her and stood up to give her a hug which she gladly returned. "Goodluck today." She chuckled as he hugged her even tighter.
They pulled away from the hug when Snape neared the table.
" Goodluck today mister Potter, after defeating that troll , a game of Quidditch will not be too hard now, will it?" Snape said.
" Miss y/l/n." He greeted the y/house that was standing next to the younger boy.
" Professor." She greeted back with a small smile.
" Shouldn't you be at your own table miss y/l/n."
" I will professor , thank you." She said before Snape went to sit in front with the other teachers. She swiftly turned around to the boy who sat 2 places next to Harry.
" Goodluck Wood, you'll do great." She said while quickly pecking his cheek causing him to turn bright red as she winked and walked to the y/house table.
"Wood has got himself a fan." George chuckled.
"Look at you all blushy." Fred taunted Oliver who just shook his head with a grin on his face.
He looked over at the y/house table only to be met with a pair of y/e/c eyes.

Slytherin against Gryffindor , the match everybody waits for. Both teams are incredibly competitive so these matches were the most entertaining to watch.
The Slytherin team was already flying through the air when the Gryffindor door opened and revealed the team. Y/n silently cheered for the Gryffindor team when they entered the field. Madam Hooch told the teams to play fair but Slytherin had  another idea. They tried knocking off Angelina multiple times. Flint gave Wood a death glare when he kept another quaffle out of the rings. Flint took the bat from one of the beaters and knocked a bludger in Oliver's way. He hit him in the chest causing Oliver to lose his balance and go unconscious, his body falling onto the ground , a loud crack echoed through the air.

Harry ended up catching the snitch and Gryffindor won but Oliver needed to be carried away to the hospital wing , still unconscious.
Y/n ran to the hospital wing the minute the match ended. She saw Oliver lying into a bed with his leg into a casket. " Miss y/l/n, why are you here?" Madam Pomfrey said from behind the girl causing her to flinch. " I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey, I just wanted to see if he was okay." Y/n answered while nodding her head over to Oliver who was talking with one of the twins. "He will be fine, you guys make a great couple." Before she could protest Pomfrey turned her attention to a younger Hufflepuff. Fred had left the hospital wing leaving Oliver all alone in his bed. "Hey Champ." Y/n smiled at the boy.
" Hey." he said with a sad smile.
" What's with the frown." She said while taking place next to him.
" I won't be able to play for at least three weeks."
"I'm sorry but your leg needs to heal Mister Wood. You will survive a couple of weeks without Quidditch." Madam Pomfrey said before handing him a painkiller.
Oliver and y/n spend the night talking before she basically got thrown out by Madam Pomfrey. This repeated every day for three weeks.

After three weeks Oliver's leg was completely healed and he could play Quidditch again.
" Good to see you out of bed Wood." Y/n said while hugging him tight.
" Awh, you were worried." He chuckled before inhaling her comforting scent.
" No , I just spent three weeks visiting you because I don't care." Y/n said sarcastically.
" Ah , good one."He said before pulling away from the hug.
"I'll see you around." Y/n said before Oliver took her wrist causing her to turn back around.
" I- uhm- I have to get used to flying again and I was wondering if you- uhm- would want to help me." Oliver said shyly.
" Ofcourse, I'll see you tonight." She kissed his cheek and turned around to walk to her class, leaving Oliver flustered once again. Man she had him wrapped around her finger and he knew it, he was head over heels.

"Come on Wood!" Y/n taunted the brunette who was struggling to keep up with her.
"It's not fair y/n/n." Oliver pouted.
"Aww you little baby." Y/n said while squishing his cheeks together while trying not to fall off her broom. Oliver took her hand off his face and faked a mad face.
"How's the leg." Y/n said, ignoring the face he just made.
"Good actually, thanks for this I need to be in perfect tact for the next match."
"You'll be great Oliver."
The two landed onto the ground and stepped off their brooms.
"Thank you again."
"No worries Wood, you know I love being on my broom." y/n aid while stepping closer to him.
"I- I- uhm." Oliver wanted to tell her he loved her right there but no words came out.

"Are you okay Oliver?" Y/n said, placing her hand over his." I'minlovewithyou." He blurted out really fast. "What?" "I'm in love with you." He said slower, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.Y/n's jaw dropped slightly. She didn't know what to say. "Please say something." He whispered. Y/n slowly stepped forward, her arms slowly linking behind Oliver's neck. "I love you too." She whispered before pouring all her love into a kiss. Oliver was processing what was happening but soon enough kissed back. They slowly pulled away.
"Be my girlfriend?"
"Only if you'll be my boyfriend."
"Deal." He said before kissing her again.

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