Cedric Diggory / Good Luck

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~• Fluff •~


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Fleur , Viktor and Harry were preparing for the first task of the triwizard tournament , Cedric was talking to his father outside. Harry found out it was going to be something with dragons so everyone studied and learned how to fight them. Thirty minutes before the task started champions' the tent opened and revealed a girl. " y/n ? " Harry said, causing the other champions to turn around .
" Hey Harry. You alright? " Y/n sighed while hugging him.
" Yeah , what are you doing here? " He answered while hugging her back just as tight. She was one of the only people that believed Harry and stood behind him for everything . Even if she was 2 years older , she still cared about the boy and his friends.
" I - uhm - needed to see Cedric before the task. " Y/n answered shyly.
Before Harry could answer her , Cedric entered the tent and his gaze immediately went to the y/h/c who was standing in the middle of the tent.
" Y/n. " Cedric breathed out as he speed walked to the girl , engulfed her in a hug and lifted her from the ground.
" Hey Celery ." She giggled as he set her back down but kept his arms firmly around her waist , his cheek pressed against her hair. " I needed to see you before the first task , I wanted to wish you good luck. " She mumbled against his chest.
" Thank you Darling. " Cedric chuckled.
" Please be careful , I can't lose you to , you're all I have ." Y/n said while a single tear ran down her rosy cheek. Cedric was fast to wipe it away.
" You won't lose me y/n." He said while gently cupping her cheeks.
They both leaned in but right before their lips touched Rita Skeeter entered the tent and took a photo of Hermione and Harry. Y/n and Cedric quickly let go of each other and he awkwardly scratched his neck.
" I should - uhm - go. Good luck. " Y/n said quickly before she basically ran out of the tent , taking place on the tribune.
Cedric was the first one to fight a dragon. Y/n was on the edge of her seat , cheering her best friend on , but she was also terrified that he would get hurt. Cedric fought off the dragon rather fast but right before he could get the golden egg the dragon planted his claws into his side , creating two huge scratches. The brunette screamed out in pain but kept going and eventually got out safe . Seconds after the dragon scratched Cedric , Y/n got out of her seat, ready to help him after he returned.
Y/n helped Cedric to the tent , the girl already had a healing potion in her hand and carefully lifted the brunette's shirt which was partly torn. She lightly gasped at the huge scratches that made their way from his torso to his side .
" This is gonna sting a little." Y/n warned as she dropped some of the potion on his injury while taking her other hand and intertwining their fingers so he could squeeze it.
Cedric hissed at the pain and squeezed her hand tight as the wound healed itself , leaving just 3 scars that represented the claws.
" Thank you y/n ." Cedric whispered before pulling a streak of the girl's hair behind her ear causing her breath to hitch. " N-no problem." Y/n said while mentally slapping herself for stuttering , but who could blame her , look at him. He was absolutely perfect.
" I'm glad you are okay." Y/n said while she helped Cedric up and handed him another shirt.
" Me too." He chuckled before pulling the shirt over his head.
" Although , there is just one thing I didn't get to do before." He said while getting closer to Y/n.
" Really what's that." Y/n said a playful smirk plastered on her face , confidence filling her voice.
" This. " Cedric whispered before his lips finally met hers . Both of their lips moved in sync , his arms went to her waist while hers went to his neck and hair .
This was everything she ever wanted.

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