Chapter Twenty-Two: Adrian Calder

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She's not replying to my texts. Now, I could panic about this. I could make up a hundred different scenarios - she's pissed at me, she's hurt or dead, she's asleep, she's been kidnapped - but obviously, I keep it cool and don't think too hard about it.

Who am I kidding? I've checked my phone twenty times in the past hour just waiting for her to reply. I'd even settle for a fucking letter at this point just so I know she's alive. I don't even know why I need to be here, Reign and Saviour are perfectly capable of dealing with these idiots but no.

I stalk in behind the two of them and almost laugh at the gleeful look on Saviour's face. Both Bear and Reign had to lecture her this morning and explain to her that they don't respect her and will try to coerce her into sleeping with them, she's allowed to hurt them but not kill them. Maybe that's what I'm here for, to help Reign peel his wife off of whoever she deems worthy of attacking.

The same thing happens as we open the doors, the music is turned off and everyone turns to look at us. The men spark in excitement when they see Saviour. I'll admit she is not making it easy for any of them.

She's wearing a short black dress - even after being told by her husband that it'll make her a target, she literally just winked in reply - with a leather harness and her weapons holstered to her legs and daggers slipped into the heeled boots that make her at least six inches taller.

It was very amusing to see Reign have a breakdown when he saw what his wife had chosen to wear to this place of all places. She's wearing the jacket that has both her road name on and the claim from Reign but it won't protect her here, they don't care. "I thought I told Bear I didn't want the bitch."

I swear this bastard doesn't fucking learn. Reign goes to launch himself at the idiot but is dragged back by Saviour, she likes to handle her own problems. She walks over, slow enough for everyone to be entranced by her movements, and presses the President into the bar with a clawed hand.

Jesus, if she was doing it to me I would've shit myself by now but I've seen her in battle, they have not. "Well you have her and I'm going to enjoy this." The smirk afterwards does not ease my nerves. I'm stuck in enemy territory with two hotheads who just fire each other up, this is not gonna end well for me.


"Fucking try harder, what are you doing? Are you punching a damn cotton ball or a person?" Saviour has been berating the idiots for two hours now. I know she didn't believe us when we told her everything about this place and how completely inept they are but now that she's seeing it she is furious.

I am too. Riot is risking so many more lives on these runs, these men can't protect themselves or the town and that endangers everyone, including their business partners. I can't imagine they're making much money, I just wish we could get our hands on their books to try and figure out how they've survived for this long.

I duck under a knife as one of the men threw it behind them instead of at the target. I pick it up and weigh it out in my hand. I spin it before throwing it across the room and hitting the bullseye, clipping off part of his ear in transit.


"Hey asshole! Who do you think you are?" I look at him unamused as he pokes at my chest. He's about as intimidating as a pompom and can't even fight properly, antagonising me would not end well for him. "I am the fucking Enforcer, I outrank you." I raise my eyebrow, outrank me? Are you kidding me?

I just grab him by his neck and slam him against the wall, waving at everyone to get them to go back to work. Saviour gives me a thumbs up while Reign rolls his eyes. I don't take it any further, I just keep the idiot pressed up against the wall for a half hour while he struggles against me. I didn't choke him so he was still breathing perfectly fine, I just wanted to show him that I'm stronger than him.

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