Chapter Twenty-Five: Aurora Sterling

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I love his family. We've spent the last hour and a half just talking, Elliot continues to flirt with me while Xavier and his father scold him every time he makes a lude comment. Claire asks question after question and I answer them happily, I don't mind the questionnaire, I know she just wants to know what kind of person I am and if I'm good for Breaker.

The door slams open and within seconds Breaker is on his feet with his gun aimed at the door, I recognise it as Rubble and immediately move to calm Breaker down. His family seem okay with this, they hardly even flinched when the gun came out so I assume they're used to this. "Hey, Cass."

"You okay, Rubble?" I ask, coaxing Breaker to put his gun down because he still seems angry enough to actually shoot Rubble for pulling this.

"Yeah, came to get ya." I give him a look of confusion which he just grins at and makes his way across the room to grab my hand. Breaker's hand snaps out and grips his wrist hard enough to bruise, Rubble doesn't react. "You haven't claimed her, Breaker. She's fair game."

My anger rises at that, I'm not an object that can be passed around especially not when spoken about rather than to. "Not that you ever could, gotta claim her in front of everyone which means speaking." Rubble taunts, his free hand reaching out to take mine and I freeze as his skin touches mine.

"Get your fucking hands off of her or I will shoot you where you stand." I look up at Breaker with my jaw dropped, he just spoke. Am I imagining things? Like I know he can speak and I know he speaks to me but he just spoke to Rubble. Did I drug the cookies?

"Oooh, silent man talks, look man, you still haven't claimed her and Bear hasn't solidified the claim. You don't get to lord yourself around like she's yours."

Breaker grabs Rubble by the throat and slams him into the wall, "Don't damage the paint." I squeak and rub the back of my neck. Benjamin and Elliot move to stop him but I get in their way. "I wouldn't try and stop him." I warn and they back down.

"Do they do this a lot?" His mum asks, gripping my arm as she watches this go down. I almost start drooling as Breaker's arms flex and his glare hardens.

"Umm kinda."

"I don't need to stake a claim, she would've fucking chosen you if she wanted to and she didn't. If you ever touch her again, you and I will go into the ring and you'll be leaving in a fucking body bag. Understand?" I shiver, holy mother of God this man is gorgeous. I shouldn't be saying this while he's fighting with his brother over me but his protectiveness and possessiveness fire me up.

"I haven't heard him speak in so long, he sounds so much older." Claire whispers to me while Breaker literally carries Rubble out the door and drops him, slamming the door behind him. I walk over to him and he hugs me tightly, probably trying to calm down and I stroke his back in comfort.

"I'm sorry." He tells me and I pull back to look at him in confusion.

"Thank you for protecting me. Also, your parents want to talk to you." He groans as Claire starts rambling about hearing him talk.

"Mum!" He cuts through all of it and they all still look surprised. I've never had silent Breaker so I don't think much of it but she starts crying. All four of them surround him and squeeze him into a group hug and the look of discomfort on his face makes me laugh. Poor kid.

Breaker's phone goes off and I manage to get it to him, whatever is on the other end is not good considering the pissed off look on his face. "Bear is calling us in, Rubble told him what happened."

"Us as in all of us?" Austin asks.

"Just Aurora and I but I'm sure they'd be fine with you coming. This is ridiculous." I suppose this is one of the bad things about being a Biker, the president dictates what is allowed and what isn't. Laying hands on your brother is not allowed.

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