Chapter Thirty-Three: Aurora Sterling

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Saviour was texting me all day, keeping me updated on his condition and with every text I was getting angrier and more worried. The way he stumbled up the stairs scared the crap out of me, it's not like I'd be able to lift him if he passed out.

Now I'm debating whether or not to go to school, I could stay here and police him. Forcing him to stay in bed but I've given up a lot for my education and he's a grown man who can take care of himself... right?

I manage to untangle myself from B's arms and the duvet, almost falling on my face in the struggle. I stroke the hair back from his face and kiss his forehead before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I fix my hair into two French braids before messing them up so that hair falls around my face. I learned that trick from Lexie, she said that braids made her look bald - she has red hair, I don't think she can ever look bald. I decide to do less makeup than usual because I can't be bothered and I head out to my closet soon afterwards.

Breaker is still asleep, I stop and watch his chest rise and fall for a bit before I realise I don't have much time to finish getting ready for school. I choose a little white dress with embroidered flowers on and I pair it with my brown leather knee highs. "You look good." I squeak at B's husky voice as he drags out 'good' with the cocky smirk on his face.

"Thank you." I whisper, spritzing on some perfume and putting on my jewellery. He makes grabby hands at me which makes me laugh, giving in almost immediately and making my way to sit next to him. "You should be sleeping, you had a long day yesterday."

He groans with a pout on his beautiful face as he coaxes me closer. "I told you to stop worrying."

"Breaker, I am your Old Lady, I'm always going to worry. Especially when you come stumbling home, out of your mind with exhaustion." He just smiles lazily and I plant endless kisses on his cheek and jaw. "I have to go to school, promise me you'll take it easy today."

"Scouts honour." He puts his hand up with the other on his heart as he swears to me.

"You were never a scout."

"Still counts."

"You're an idiot." I kiss him again, squealing as he tickles me. "I have to go." I complain as he grabs me around the waist, readying to plant me back on the bed and squeeze me half to death.

"Just let me get dressed and I'll take you."

"Mr. B, what do you not understand about rest?"

"It's my job to take care of you, including giving you lifts when you need them."

"It's my job to take care of you too..." I just stare at him while he doesn't flinch, "There's no arguing with you, is there?" His grin is unreal as I succumb to him and he slips out of bed to get ready quickly. I watch him change, his back muscles rippling and I drool, willing to be late to class just to lick it.

"If you keep looking at me like that you won't be walking for a week." He says it so nonchalantly but I can easily see how my stare is affecting him. The tent in his jeans is rather noticeable.

"You're injured." At this point I don't know who I'm trying to convince because my voice is breathless with lust and I'm sure my eyes are dark as I survey him.

School. School. School.

If he touches me, I'm done for. So, when he reaches for me, I smack his hands away making him look at them in surprise. "You can't touch me or I will never get to school on time."

"Whatever you want, baby." He then winks and my ovaries explode. If there is a God, he hates me for temptation is never something I was good with. I mean, if you put a cupcake in front of me and told me not to eat it... I would've eaten it anyway without even flinching.

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