CH 2🎀

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"She is my sister, Glasle," Osvane replied calmly. 

"Miss Glasle, I am so glad to have met you, would you like to meet my friends? I hope Osvane  won't restrain us." Luvaric asked, tilting his head to his left. The way he said it, she couldn't say no, no one. With a last look at Osvane and nodding at Luvaric she followed him. He leads her further into the hall. 

"Excuse me guys, look who we have here, Osvane's sister Miss Glasle." His voice filled with mirth as he made her stand in front of him, making her visible to the formerly chatting audience. 

"You are so beautiful! " a woman exclaimed. She looked not more than twenty-five, her hair tied in a bun and decorated with flowers and jewels and whatnot. Her face, was a bit reddened, due to the alcohol. She wore a dusty pink colored three-piece. A brooch with a pink stoned butterfly was stuck neatly on her coat's buttons. 'She doesn't look as bad, Why is she gasping at me?' Glasle thought to herself.

"Oh, umm sorry! I forgot to introduce them to you, so starting from the left, he is Zeintin Halight". 

He was wearing a brown tux without a bow. The color is similar to his hair, a dark shade of brown. The man named Zeintin leaned towards her, his right hand in front of her. Clasping his hand, she smiled at him. 

"Nice to meet you, Miss Glasle, I am Zeinth, you can call me Zein. I am a close friend of Osvane. I hope you enjoy our company today." he gave her a reassuring smile, a girn laced with hidden knowledge.

"I wish the same for you Zeintin.", he let go of her hand as I replied. They smiled at each other before Luvaric spoke again. Luvaric pointed to the next guy with light brown hair and a pink tux, " He is Jieven, Jieven Demoirt he is like an elder brother  to our birthday boy." Luvaric seemed delighted with his job of introducing him and she noted, he looked quite elegant. 

She shook everyone's hand, whoever Luvaric introduced her to. 

"This is Hyrt's sister, Ganavla Brusaint,'' he said, pointing to the lady who earlier gasped at her. They shared a warm hug that Ganavla initiated. 

There was only one man left, and looking at him she was reminded of someone 'Brivntin!', but this man's hair was blond, and he was wearing a white tux with embroidered flowers swirling up to his neck he looked bolder than the Brivntin she knew, she looked at the face that was starting back and forth between Luvaric and her, he was trying his best to ignore her stare, she could feel it.

"And very lastly this is Brivntin Pixwolly, our man. My elder brother very much adores him." 'Briventin, what is he doing here? He should be back home taking care of Mom and Dad.' She could feel her heart beating faster, from agony and anxiety.

'I need to excuse myself before I say something to him. Any wrong choice of words will put both of us in danger she thought to herself, " Excuse me, can I go and get a drink?" she tried to hide her anxiety in her voice only to be obstructed by Mr. Luvaric, "Let me accompany you." He said, leading her the way. 

They were swarming through the mass of people when she heard "Is he hitting on her?", a masculine voice said; "I don't care, she is pretty '', she heard a feminine voice say. Without a bit of doubt, she knew they were talking about her and Luvaric, it was quite obvious. That's how seeds of rumors are shown, that turns into a big fat weed. She has had her share of experiences. 

After handing her a glass of red wine, he led her to a balcony which was located above a fleet of stairs. "Isn't it beautiful, the dotting city lights, look far away, the ocean looks like a puddle of glitter under the moonlight, it's so pretty, I love it." indeed he did, his eyes were having a sparkle which she could not remember having seen before. The glittery fit he was draped in made him look like almost a magical creature under the moonlight. It was a breathtaking sight to behold. I wouldn't mind being bothered by him again, I thought. 

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