CH 5🎀

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She was trying to untangle while Osvane kept pulling her into multiple layers of messy cobwebs. How was she supposed to return home after getting married to Hyrt Brusaint or whoever? She thought while lying on her bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Waking up to a knock on her door she realized she had passed out while debating upon her thoughts. Miss Faiacia came into the room with a tray in hand. "How are you feeling now? " she sighed, while a frown laced her forehead. Cavana noticed a bandage wrapped around Miss Faiaca's left hand, she could feel the realization hit her.

Seeing her direction of stare, she said, placing the tray on the bedside table, she calmly said "It's nothing ".

"I am extremely sorry, " she pleaded. Miss Fiaca was the only woman who looked after her day and night, telling her things of compassion and taking care of her to the minute details. The feeling of guilt covering her yet groggy mind, intensifies the feeling. Lunchtime's havoc had proven to be hazy in her mind yet she could remember something shattering in the background as she stomped into her room in rage overwhelmed with emotions.

"Why do you always have to clean my mess? " She uttered. Be it a stain on a limited edition,  Floink's spring collection a few weeks back, or the tea stain on the business book Osvane had lent her to study and even more than once Miss Faiacia had stepped into the room as Osvane scolded Cavana asking if he needed a lemon tea or a drink and satiating him almost in an instant.

"You should get ready, it's already five in the evening and Osvane is waiting in the living room and trying to control your anger because it's only gonna hurt you and the people around you. Now have this tea and think about the decision your brother is taking. Think before you act. For this once you can hope for the best ." she implied with pursed lips. It was hard for Cavana to understand Miss Faiacia's emotions through her firm exterior.

Taking the teacup in her hand she sniffed at the fragrant beverage given to her. "Smells nice Miss Faiacia", she sighed. After blowing on the warm tea she sipped, feeling the warm liquid roll down her tongue, spreading the warmth throughout her body. She gave the cup to Miss Faiaca, her silence bothering Cavana. She walked to my closet and pulled out a pink satin one-piece that Osvane had bought for her when she had just moved in.

She pulled it and turned back, "What do you think Miss Faiaca? Shall I wear this- "She let my words disappear into thin air. She has already left. She made a mental note to make it up to her when she returned to this weary house.
'If I marry the man I don't love, there is always a choice of divorce.' she tried thinking of ways that would even for a moment free her from feeling captured, taking into Miss Faiacia's words, to give it a thought, to try and think from Osvane's point of view and to hope for the best.
"I should at least try for the sake of it, it's exhausting to deal with Osvane's bickering at the least how bad can he be....what was his name again ?" She paused in her tracks as she placed her outfit on the bed, "Hyrt! yes."
These thoughts brought with them the thoughts of the past, the last guy she dated back in Veinlood cheated on her with a man with red hair and tattoos, a fellow batchmate. Before that she recalled, the blond guy who introduced me to Ginavel left me, thinking that I was cheating on him with Ginavel. She smiled remembering how they were both already best friends, having a good laugh about the possibilities and spent the rest of the night doing graffiti on one of Veinlood's dark alleys and drinking, those old passionate days filled with adventure and excitement were now just fragile memories that still makes her smile.

"I am bad at love or is it the other one who has a crack in his personality and brain? Any way round love never gave a good result in my case and I don't expect anymore in the future.." she mumbled and she tried to comb through her hair yet the comb got stuck and she faced her reflection in the mirror with a defeated look.

She wore a yellow short gown, something a decent lady like Osvane's sister would wear. She was now a rich, young, soft yet confident girl who was deprived of freedom just because of her stupidity and curiosity. If only she had not visited that bar that day or even had gone out through the back door and witnessed the scene, she wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place, a regret of a lifetime that she would have to bear.

She walked out into the living room and saw Osvane sitting on a sofa. 'So finally I am letting myself get married to a stranger? A marriage arranged by my pretending brother?' For a while, she tried putting Briventin in Osvane's place and thought, if he was here what choices would he have made? 'He would have taken my emotions and feelings into account, right? That's basic a human could do for another  even a stranger would do so.' 

"I am waiting in the car, come fast. " She stated, snatching his words and smirking internally 'one win for the great Cavana'.

She had a small hope peeping through this agreement.

" I thought you won't come. You made a good choice, my lovely sister" he said, smiling at her.

"I changed my mind, please don't ever call me that way again, I feel nauseous " Cavana cried patting her chest lightly.

"I will see what he is like, what if I start liking him ?" She joked walking away and towards the car. Somewhere in her mind, she had already started to hatch a plan,  'what if he becomes my shield? What if he understands me better than this man? After all, all I can do is hope. Can he be worse than Osvane, possibilities are there.' she had some evidence to back up her stance, Hyrt's family and Osvane's go back years and Osvane wouldn't prefer to destroy the connection between them, rather it's his constant try to keep their relationship in a good term. Then there comes the scandal politics, after thinking a bit and even going through the news website she knew she might not be getting the shorter end of the stick but rather the bigger, someone she had nothing to lose at this point, unlike someone. 'Osvane tries to marry a girl unrelated to him to his long time competitor, fraudulent behaviour exposed of a multi-million company owner...' she tried imagining the tabloids that would pop up overnight the media is always to rip Osvane apart, 'he will persuade and coax me to keep me quite  Cavana remembered what Miss Faiaca had said, as bad as she felt, but in her mind 'If I go down, I will take them with me' made much more sense right now.

'His eyes were beautiful, filled with fury and contempt yet he held his composure with a smile. What would it look like to see him when he let his anger take over?' She was thrilled with curiosity. She didn't fear falling in love because she knew it was never possible. She feared the truth, the truth that she didn't belong here, the truth that she was nothing but a girl from a family that worked hard to earn money and happiness. The truth is that she is afraid of experiencing any more death. The truth is that she is letting go of my freedom just because she is afraid of losing my life and not being able to be for her parents in the future.

'I will try to survive but if it gets too much I will fight. Just because I am weaker than them, it doesn't mean I won't try or hope to win. Here winning isn't the case but living a normal life is.' she settled on the backseat of the car. 'Being allies with Mister Hyrt Brusaint if that's the only way.'

Author note - Love how I don't have a bit of energy to study yet I can edit and am filled with enthusiasm at the thought of it. Love everyone reading this story, it's a safe place for me and at this point, I think it forever will be.

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