CH 6🎀

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He could feel his already shattered life shattering even more, in front of his eyes. Just the very way his blue-tinted glass did, slipping from his hands right after drinking water. The silent shatter that occurred within him, every single day went unnoticed. His mom came rushing at the sound of the glass hitting the floor. It made him smile, somehow this glass was more significant than him. He realised that he needed to think rationally which he wasn't at the moment, or since his last birthday. The spiral was back pulling him by his neck, face forward into the darkness.

"I don't know what you are thinking but, would you like to help your mom ?", His mother spoke looking at him with her hands on her hips. It was not a request but downright a ball of iron expectation thrown at him, if he didn't catch it, it might break his bones, his ribcage and mutilate his heart, but if he caught it - it might just break his hands, break his hands so that he can't even pick up a paintbrush.

He helped her pick up the pieces of the broken glass and went back into his room. 'Marriage isn't for me. Why can't they understand? I don't understand myself, I am living as a puppet under my parents, carrying the generational wealth and with it all the burdens. How much more do they want me to sacrifice for them, my whole life? They took away my dreams and burned them in ashes. They made me work, they made me hold the strings of the business while all I wanted to do was paint. They made me go against my will and now they want me to marry a girl, just because they want to strengthen business relations and fill their treasury ?' Hyrt dwelled on his thoughts as he paced about in his room.

The chair felt too hard on his back when he tried sitting on his balcony, the air brushing through his hair calmed him a bit. But the anxiety stuck to him like an ill parasite, 'How long do I have to keep feeding into their expectations? How long do I have to do things on their accord? How long do I have to understand them before they start seeing me as a human, and not just a medium to carry the lineage forward? What if she is just like them, money hungry, incapable of understanding art ?' somewhere in his stream of anxious thoughts, a small bubble peeked that he tried to prick and destroy, he was aware that if she wasn't born in the first place, he won't have to be attacked by these thoughts again, after years. All of a sudden, he remembered how she had fled the party. All his life he had people fawning over him and as youth hit , people flocked around him even more due to all the different reasons yet she had looked at him like he was a wild beast , who would attack her in any second , rushing down almost tumbling over on the stairs, he had noticed it all . He had thought she was as taken aback as he was yet her demeanor was too exaggerated that was it. He had hoped silently since that day for her to change Osvane's mind whilst keeping his urge at bay to call him and bash him about this sudden betrayal of trust, he knew everything Hyrt had been through yet for him to side with his parents away the trust and respect he had for him.

He heard a knock on his door. "It's me, Hyrt!." he heard his mother say from across the door, she let herself in before he could say anything. When she looked around the room and spotted him at last on his balcony she advanced towards him with a warm smile. Her smile was the same, the same shade of lipstick he had seen her wear since he could remember, she had once smiled at him lovingly when he had won the drawing competition at school in fourth grade and had almost cried when she saw his painting, the theme had been to paint what you love the most and h had painted his parents, with his little sister in her mother's arms. The picture was framed, was hung for a while on some wall of this house but all of a sudden it had disappeared, never to be found again.

"You and Glasle are meeting tomorrow, your schedule is free and she also agreed. Zeintin or Luvaric can accompany you to buy some new outfits, I think you should buy some complementing her preferences". She suggested. Taking a step back and leaving his room while closing the door behind her.

"Thank you Mom for telling me, I wouldn't have known otherwise that I can't do what I want. I was mistaken to even think that you would understand me." he sighed standing up from the chair, leaving the room he hurried down the stairs.

"Leaving already" his mother asked to which he just nodded.

'I need a break', he thought. 'Perhaps this could be my last night of mental sanity that I can experience before my parents get more demanding'.

He dialed Zeintin's number hoping he would be free tonight.

"Yeah! Hyrt what's up?" he heard Zeintin from the other side.

"Are you free tonight?" he asked, internally affirming his clean schedule.

"You know, honey it's my only day off..." he trailed off worry clear in his voice.

"Never mind, see you later !" he announced, this left him with only one person to go out tonight.


Authors Note - Finally, I found some time to edit this chapter , this is the first chapter with Hyrt in focus, I hope you enjoyed it. (What was I made for? by Billie Eilish came along while editing and I think that song fits the theme of this chapter perfectly.)

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