CH 3🎀

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The looks of hundreds were on her, she could hear people go 'How could he do this ?' and 'So the conspiracy theories on their family and business were right?'. She felt nothing but an object that had been shipped to Osvane's house and now that he doesn't want the object anymore, hence he is giving it away out of mercy to another person.  Getting his hands off a burden. The feeling of betrayal and pain was taking over her, and before she knew she was hurdling down the stairs and out in the parking lot she went.

" Don't follow me" she hissed at Briventin he tried following her midway through the stairs.

Witnessing the death of a stranger could make her pay so much, she could never imagine. The situation she was in reflected every ounce of nightmares she missed due to overwork and sleep deprivation. 'So this is what Osvane was making me ready for? To marry me off? I have to stop this marriage in every possible way I can. Brivetin is here, didn't he promise me he would look after our parents before I leave? He lied to me, out of all the people?' she gritted her teeth. All the chains tying her up have started to pull her, in every direction possible now not only binding her but stretching every molecule in her to make her experience a pain not even the physical rack could induce.

She instructed the driver to take her to Osvane's House and when he asked about Osvane's absence she replied, "He would be late, hence asked me to return home early". By his look, she could confirm he had trust in what she said.

'So this is it', she thought, leaning onto the closed window. 'I will marry a stranger and will never be able to return to mom and dad. Even if I can run away, where will I take shelter next time? what guarantees that they won't be worse than Osvane? In my twenty-one  years of life what I am sure of is the fact that everyone is selfish.' At times like this, amidst all the questions she was having, one felt utterly familiar, 'Why me?' she pondered upon the memory of when she had asked herself this question last time, it was the day before today. She tapped the window glass a few times and stopped only when the driver stole quick nervous glances at the interior rearview mirror.

She stumbled up the stairs as soon as they reached Osvane's house, it's nothing like home to her, no comfort no warmth even after several months she couldn't call this home. She once lived in a home, and that is far far away, beyond reach, her loss of home began much before her consciousness was even formed. Even a few hours ago she didn't have any clue that Osvane would be tying her with someone else. If not for Osvane and his persistent try to sure she is never at ease, this house might at least made her more comfortable than cower even more.

'I need to calm myself', she thought about calling Ginavel but changed her mind when she remembered that exams were going on. Jealousy visited her seldom when she thought of him and today it did, "His life is smooth and just perfect, this year he is graduating from the institute. If things didn't go wrong we would be sharing notes, getting prepared together", she whispered into nothingness kicking her shoes at the entrance of the hall, her hand reaching and pulling onto her necklace, lightly chocking herself.

I felt a tinge of pain in my right foot. Ignoring it she plunged into the mattress, her face covered with a pillow. She howled letting the pain of months stream through her eyes. Several minutes passed until she was merely crying in broken sobs, her mind yet to come up with a legitimate solution to save herself in this situation.

"What do u think of yourself Glasle?!" She heard Osvane's booming voice, he just entered the hall and snatched the question from her mind. "I should be the one asking him, what his motive was all along?" She murmured as she sat up on her bed, her face still damp from all the crying.

"Come out here, Glasle." His injunctive voice echoed in the whole house making her shudder, yet not being able to knock off the shocks she had been receiving.

She left her room, walking towards him didn't calm me, he had my shelter for all these months and now he just snatched the ground from underneath her feet. 'What is the point of giving and taking back if you never had the intention of giving me, not only did he lure me to dream about a free future but also he is the one putting more restraints upon me'. Her mind went in different directions yet no solution came up that she could use to escape from Osvane, right now.

"What now ", she felt her voice weak, she felt weak after screaming into the pillow. Freedom to untangle the mess is what she wished for, not becoming someone's wife at a tumultuous time like this. 'How can Osvane even think of my marriage when we are not even blood-related? The contact between us clearly and loudly stated that he would protect me and help me have my freedom, yet....'

With anger boiling in her blood she stepped into the hall, her head held high while Osvane was sitting on the sofa looking pissed, or was it just his normal face? His frown softened as his eyes landed on her but soon he stood up, advancing towards her he said, " I had to lie to them about your bad health, and what you did today isn't acceptable at all!"

"So what now, do you want me to stay out in the dark the whole night for my misbehavior? I will be honest I don't think I am the only one misbehaving here" she said through her sore throat.

The air was becoming thick with rage, if she chose silence today she would be silenced forever but choosing to let her anger out completely wouldn't help her either, she wrecked her brain again on tactics to wage a war on Osvane.

"Glasle look, it was pre-planned that you would be marrying Hyrt, it was part of the deal. If not today I would have announced it later someday. Speaking of which you didn't even meet him yet neither did he. Let's fix a day and get things going. Why does this petty matter make you like this? Life has bigger matters to feel this devastated for."

'Petty matter, my life, my freedom getting into someone else's grip after Osvane. All this looks like a petty matter to him, if his sister was in my place would he be least sensitive about her choice like he is to me? No, he wouldn't, he would take her choice and words into consideration."Why don't you make your sister marry him? Why does it have to be me? " I saw him glare as the words trembled out of my lips. His sister should live my life a bit too while she was living hers, in her mind everything seemed and sounded unjust.

"Let's not cross our limits Cavana Pixwolly, and don't talk about my little sister to me, she doesn't deserve to be talked to by your undiscerning mouth that you often use to curse and shout." He stepped back. "Let's end it here, be ready we will be going to buy some dresses for your dates with Hyrt. You better accept it! Ask Miss Fiaca to look after your cut" He left the hall with one last look at my feet.

She looked down, a shriek escaping her throat, to my horror, she saw patches of blood behind her leading to the room she had left beforehand. 'If only we bleed water rather than blood, my life perhaps would have been a bit better.' The shrill scream that came out of me was enough to make all the people in the household gather around me. 

"Bring the first aid box " screamed Miss Faiaca to a younger female and that's what all I heard before my surroundings started to swirl all around me and just like a gust of wind everything turned black

"Miss Glasle, Miss Glasle....Glasle Floink!!!" , 'I heard...I wasn't Glasle...I am Cavana Pixwolly, the ill-fated girl, she coped with the tiny bit of air that seemed too stubborn to get into her lungs until she passed out.


Author note - It's harder than I thought it would be to write during college ( honestly I am just editing and thinking about writing the third book after this semester) Fun fact - I as an English major took up an Astrophysics multidisciplinary course to help me write a story that has been with me for a while now, cant wait to write it . 

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