CH 4🎀

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After regaining her senses she found Osvane sleeping on the chair by her bedside. Last night's memories were starting to churn in her head yet she couldn't find revolt not yet , or scream like she did yesterday - as she didn't feel the things in same intensity as she did last night. She studied Osvane's face to see if he was really asleep or pretending to be. Somewhere in her heart she had hoped that Osvane would becomes the elder sibling she once had , who's death brought into her life the surge of negative emotions that she had never experienced prior. 'Osvane is different, he was strong , assertive and always with a purpose unlike her , he would have never done what she did - not in the same room with a younger sibling , he would not have never been desperate enough no matter what , to end his life.' she thought while images of a body covered in blood seeped into her mind , as much as the younger sibling pushed her , she wouldn't wake up , prior to that day she had only seen blood in movies and in small cuts that she sometimes got while playing in the fields. She wished to erase those memories, wash of the stench it carried in her mind. Since that day darkness, death and blood had become her objects of spiritual hatred.

Rubbing her eyes she tried to rub her eyes , Looking at Osvane again , 'Who could tell that he had shouted at me fiercely after engaging me with a man whom I have never met. Consent , empathy those might be some terms that he needs to get some study done on' , she thought clicking her tongue.

"Very thoughtful, aren't you?!" She was startled by the sudden interruption of her thoughts.

"Are you awake?" She asked an obvious question while stretching her own arms , as if she wasn't dissing him in her mind a few seconds ago.

"Hmmm...." He went along, rubbing his eyes to make her see a red eyed Osvane, he is having a hangover she guessed. 

"I am sorry! " his sudden apology startling her for the second time today.

"You better be sorry, and I hate you even more now." I spoke, looking down at the bundled blanket on my lap.

"Hate me for a few days but thank me forever ! " he got up with a smirk lingering on his lips his eyes studying her face. The frown on her face and twitching lips , confusion and questions were trying to make an appearance. "Miss Faiaca will look after you today and the person you hate will be busy with his business until late noon today, do behave Miss Faiaca is aging now". his words making her thoughts falter in it path.

"I may have aged , Osvane but her absence feels more mortifying than yours. I can deal with her misbehaviour better than yours". Miss Faiaca stated entering the room with a tray.

"That did hurt my feelings , Miss Faiaca." Osvane said while pouting and frowning failing in every possible way to look cutesy.

"And it didn't hurt me when you said a beautiful lady, old?" Miss Faiaca bickered back with a smile.

"Sorry Miss Faiaca, I was just trying to be empathetic." he said and turned away to leave my room.

"Why am I apologizing right after waking up! Give me a break." They heard him talking to himself, making them share a look of victory.

"So how are you feeling, Glasle?" Was Miss Faiacia first question directed to her.

"Can you call me Cavana when we are alone? I haven't heard my name in several days Miss Faiacia, " she sighed , looking at her expectantly.

"Osvane hates it when I call you by your name, you have a reason I know but his reason is more relevant for him, he doesn't want any scandal to break , regarding his sister's existence " she spoke, making herself comfortable on the bed. "There are more than us in this house , Cavana" she spoke so softly it came out as a whisper , "People are almost always ready to tear open Osvane , and I know he is not ready to deal with Glasle's matter , not yet and honestly I don't think he ever will".

"Got it , do it like you just did now call me Cavana even if it's in whispers" she uttered leaning back onto the headboard.

"Cavana do you have anything to ask , looking at your face it looks like you have a lot to ask but you need to promise that you will have your breakfast then.'' She was true. She did have numerous questions, but the one question that she had never been answered to was what happened to Osvane's real sister.

"Where is Glasle, the real one, " She asked, she had always thought that she was somewhere else spending vacation yet Miss Faiacia's repeated warnings and yesterday Osvane's reaction when she asked him to make the real Glasle marry Hyrt indicated that there was more than a simple answer for her disappearance from this house.

"Well of all the questions in this world you had to ask that one, Glasle?" She remarked without disappointment on her face yet with hesitation in eyes.

She nodded

"Well don't tell Osvane I told you about her because he is always afraid of this being revealed , this can be disastrous for him in every way , even after the death of his sister, she became his most vulnerable weakness" Miss Faiacia stopped reconsidering her decision. "I am telling you this because , he is not what he shows he is , you see him as someone mean and someone who is exploiting you but he has a reason , he is calculative and sharp why would he do something without a reason but being said that I am not defending him but helping you to have some faith in his decisions - he won't hurt you Cavana."

'even after death? What is she talking about, Glasle...she is..she is dead?! No it can't be, is this the reason why Osvane can't bear talking or asking about her?' , Thoughts in her head spun, "What happened to her?" She asked eventhough she already had the hint.

"It's a long story..." , She said.

After bathing she went down to have her lunch. She was glad, today Osvane didn't bring anyone with him today. As much as she used to hate him, they haven't had lunch together for almost a month or so, and she didn't want to miss it. She sat across from him, making him look up from his plate. Giving him a crooked smile while settling into her chair, her teal frock dangling from the corners of it. He looked down at his plate again. He looked up again and stared at her for a few seconds and then again started eating from his platter.

"Cavana", she heard, 'Why is he being so soft spoken?' "Don't throw a tantrum, okay? Look, we arranged a date for you...."

'Don't say it, don't say it.' she tried shutting her senses off to not hear it.

"With Hyrt", he completed his sentence. "We thought it would be better to make you both get to know each other, even though you guys are getting married, it's for the best, that's what his dad and I thought."

'Well he still has the guts to continue speaking. He is kidding right. How can he do this to someone who is of the same age as his sister, I was nervous about how to approach him after listening to what happened to Glasle but right now he has to bring it up again ? Without being able to think about anything , except the fact that my freedom was getting stripped away from me , day by day . Who does he think he is? Did he forget I am not near his bloodline? In my foolish head I even had a thought after Miss Faiaca left , if only we had the same blood , I would have given it to his plea.' she shut her door with a loud thud , as she slid down the wooden plank , putting her head on her knees she could feel the tears running down her face , the numbness in herself running out , "I need some time....I need some time..." She kept on whispering to herself.


Author Note - It took me quite a while to edit this chapter , now I can finally sit with my assignment. Love to anyone and everyone who is reading this , may you have a great day <3

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