CH 7🎀

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Osvane and Glasle stepped out of the shopping mall with several other bags filled with outfits and accessories. All the while in the department store, Osvane kept pointing at dresses and kept going on about the different designers, the collection it had been in, and the fabrics used. So far everything was going well and good, and she was trying her best to put her trust in herself and for now, go with the flow of everything. In Osvanes blatant utterances there was the fact that he loved his job , which might not have been so when he was younger, having thrust in his face big important documents and responsibilities that even a fifty-year-old man might make mistakes at with experiences. In businesses, there are always variables beyond one's control , imitating life at this core.

She felt sorry for him at times like this when she realized he was so much more than just a selfish businessman, not everyone loses their parents, or their sister at a young age. She had tried ignoring what Miss Faiacia had told her that day, she couldn't imagine Osvane as someone weak, naive, someone who would starve himself, holding a picture frame and crying. 

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" he asked, smiling at her. 

"Where shall we go? How about drinking?" she asked, hoping he would agree. "You said you would let me drink when you are in a good mood! " she added trying to put on a smile with all the thoughts she had been having. 'Some warmth from alcohol, thats what I need to relax with.' she nodded to herself. 

"How do you know I am in a good mood?" He asked, raising his left eyebrow. 

"Because you are not mocking or extorting me," she said smirking at him. 

"Osvane ?" They heard a masculine voice interrupt them from behind. Turning towards the owner of the voice she almost gasped. He was someone she wanted to meet more than once but she hadn't expected to have a meeting so soon. Luvaric had another man standing by his side , his back turned towards them , while Luvaric wore a pink hoodie with a gray sweatpants, the person behind him was wearing a navy blue hoodie and black sweatpants. 

"Came for some shopping. " Osvane explained his face rigid , his jaw clenched while Glasle tried stealing glances at the man behind Luvaric . "For Glasle, as she and Hyrt are going on a date tomorrow" he added. Pulling off the smile from Luvaric's face , his thunderstruck stare reminded Glasle that he had left before the announcement.

"I had the same look on your face , probably worse. Imagine getting to know you are getting married from a tabloid , worse I had to witness the sigh of surprise and disappointment. " She said to ease the conversation. Luvaric burst into laughter, slapping his friend's arm while Osvane glared at me, irritation clear in his face.

"Well then Hyrt, I guess now I know the reason behind today's phone call. Luvaric glanced at the man beside him , the rigidness was back in Glasle's posture as he turned towards them , slipping his phone into his sweatpant's pocket, the two familiar eyes , the ones that held a stare of dismissal looked up at her. "He never asks me to hang out but today he did , I should have sensed something fishy was going on" Luvaric tsked to himself. 


Taking the fifth glass of beer in her hand, she released the warm burning drink into her mouth. It's been only an hour or so , and they had shifted from the parking lot of the department store to a club , Osvane allowed her to drink but also warned that this would be the last time. To her surprise , Hyrt's appearance was distinct from his personality , she had hoped he would be some snobbish hobo with too much to flaunt yet on the contrary he was rather quiet, he didn't hold his shoulder high neither did he slouch on the chair, he was just there in between Osvane and Luvaric as they bickered amongst themselves, not partaking in the conversation for once. He was silently sipping on a lime juice that Osvane had handed him and looking at the dazzling lights. His face wouldn't be recognized if it wasn't for his sparkling amber eyes that seemed to go in rhythm with the lights and beats. He glanced down , catching Glasle looking at him , rather than studying him from top to bottom. Fear studded with excitement passed down in her veins as she looked away into the crowd. She tried focusing on the drink she was having, trying to remember if she had had one similar to this with Ginavel. A sigh escaped her lips when her mind settled on the thoughts of Ginavel , so much had been going on in her life that she had not been up to date with what was going on in his life. She took a mental note to call him as soon as she reached home. 

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